Patch 5.0.1 Only Fixed Fun – Dead by Daylight

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29 thoughts on “Patch 5.0.1 Only Fixed Fun – Dead by Daylight”

  1. wait you're telling me that top for kate on the right i cant use with my short shorts anymore? I wasnt even aware of a bug that caused you to be able mix and match i just assumed it was normal, now im mad. I dont wanna have to go back to biker kate 🙁

    I've always thought it was dumb that you couldn't mix and match certain things but i never knew there was a bug that allowed you to

  2. Also there's a small chance of getting the new map in normal matches. So something is up with there coding for the new map to be enabled in Custom matches that it HAS to be enabled in normal games,

  3. I’ve been playing this game for almost 4 years now, dealing getting hit through pallets, frame drops, exhaustion perk not working like my screen would freeze for a couple moments ended up me being hit again, hit boxes, totems you can’t cleanse, certain sides of the gen you can’t work on. Getting stuck on a hill. Ranks don’t mean shit if anything you just go against the same meta perks all the time. Game is more of a chore. Without certain perks you won’t even make it far against a p3 Freddy with ruin, pop, bbq, hex undying maybe or corrupt

  4. Quite interesting that they fix this just after everyone spent money mixing and matching for Jill and Leon. Funny that they waited so they could cash out on the legendary cosmetics before making the change. 🤔

  5. I bet my left nut that they fucked up the custom full sets bcs of the Leon and Jill scam sets.
    And I bet my right nut that the RPD map will come bugged and fuck next month.

  6. Can I just point out as well that they've got more issues than they realise (obviously):

    Nemesis is still unplayable on console
    Deathslinger lags too
    Clown bottles don't always slow survivors now
    Huntress has minor lag too
    Console occasionally just outright crashes (I've played 6 games since the DLC and 2 of them have just crashed)

    Their known issue is the matchmaking being different to how they want. No shit, your matchmaking system has been dogshit since release!!!

  7. Nemesis's tentacle on console lags so much that if the survivors attempt to juke at all you will miss it. I love to see behavior working on the things that are important to the game like the cosmetics fixes

  8. I really wonder whether them repeatedly "fixing" this cosmetic set bug is due to pressure from Konami or Capcom or whoever. Because, like, the only reason sets are really in the game in the first place is because of Konami, iirc.

  9. I don't even get why they do this. What is the monetary benefit to them? I'd buy some of these sets if they could be mixed. What do they actually gain by making them unmixable? I mean they lost my 10+ bucks, so I'm not seeing the gain/positive economics for them

  10. I think it had to do with clipping problems, and glitches with sets which some have specefic properties with. For licsenced killers it’s most likely due to licensing rights over certain skins and such. I’m not a dev but that’s my best guess

  11. I love seeing happy, hopeful responses from yesterday when they announced the patch compared to the reactions to the giant middle finger of a “patch” we just got.


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