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I'm under 100 in the comments!!! Thank you for all of these…really made my day. Love to you and all in comments- Sick
Yo what perk does that Steve have? Looks like he about to kill the killer.
Hello there
What if BHVR asked for co-operation from Marvel or DC for DBD? What if Marvel or DC accept the deal? Who should be joined for DBD? I think it's time for BHVR to ask coop from famous comic companies like Marvel or DC since they also provide horror superhero stories
I think i've suggestions. If anyone wants to add, feel free to reply
Star Lord, Karen Page, Foggy Nelson, J. Jonah. Jameson, Harry Osborn, Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy, Frank Castle, Rocket Racoon, Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Okoye, Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Grant Ward, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Patricia "Trish" Walker, Hiro Hamada, Amadeus Cho the Iron Spider, Gwenpool, Harley Keener, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones (Survivors/Victims from Marvel)
Damian Wayne, Richard John "Dick" Grayson, Hal Jordan, Selina Kyle, Constantine, Amanda Waller, Tatsu Yamashiro, Renee Montoya, Oliver Quiin, Felicity Smoak, Alfred Pennyworth, Oracle, Kate Spencer, Ted Kord (Victims/Survivors from DC)
Evil Deadpool, Kingpin, Bullseye, Carnage, Riot, Typhoid Mary, Shriek, Kraven the Hunter, Mauvais, Mysterio, Hela the Sin Eater, Green Goblin, Baron Zemo, Childs, Contagion, Jigsaw (Marvel villains)
Victor Zsasz, Professor Pyg, Joker, Scarecrow, Anton Arcane, Deathstroke, Murmur, Rick Flag, Black Manta, Robin King, Black Mask, Owlman, Poison Ivy, Enchantress, Lady Shiva, Cheetah, Knockout (DC villains)
Dude this is some nice cover audio music at the beging of the video if you dont mind answering what is the audio music called? I really like it.
5:35 DS didn't work because the killer started the hooking animation before the meg hit the skill check thus not allowing ds to work due to the fact the game registered her getting hooked
Lol the last one hacker
4:28 i respect this ghostface atempt if he got the lining up corect (looked more on wall and swong a bit layter) he would get on other side of that hole and get down.
3:56 thanks for taking my clip, I hope the feng will see herself today, I told her she absolutely would since this was a ochido moment.
If you are here feng, you still are a lucky bastard
Guess Ochido likes xenomorph too much you can always see 2-3 clips in videos
i miss watching ochido play dbd and saying DUUUUUUD, please play again some how sir
Love the vids. Keep it up!
Jajaja, que pinga acaba de pasar!!!! jajajaj ez
Dud cmon put my videos plz, already sent to you 2 videos and it already been almost 3 weeks
trickster: I have throwing knives what could you possibly have?
survivors: pebbles
5:40 DS nerfed again
That last clip was fucking incredible
cheats it's not funny
pro editing!
6:26 "If you can't beat em, Join em"
– Blight
бодринько так
6:26 🤣
Op 😂 no no no no
OMFG The flashlight can summon the fucking hatch
1:59 That sound fits Myers' pipe way too well. Keep using it!
6:25 R O T A T E 💫
@the second video. You're not good XD You missed your DS and your swf carried you. I might not have been that nurse, but I hope I see you~
But yeah it'd be cool if cheaters stopped getting exposure on meme videos. It makes it seem okay when it's not.
0:21 That part is so satisfying..
5:07 what a virgin
1:51 processing….. NEW BLIGHT SKILL ACQUIRED
The last clip. She really is a witch
썸네일 학지운 귀엽다..
How long does your clip take to get on a vid btw been waiting for a month
Where’s Ochido still streaming?
I really liked the montage with music in the beginning
Steve was literally a rock star at that moment, just without his guitar
The clip at 5:00 is not only legendary for the perfect timing of the hatch but also since the killer got scared and closed it as soon as it opened the other dude that had 1/1000 hp left with adrenaline came back up lol …
Edit: 4:31
Why does he look like that scummy Victor Salva?
I wanna see The Trapper moments again
Man i remember watching these like 5 years ago
I can't say just as much good are mr. xenomorph's clips. Blight one was especially pog, sadly you can't do that anymore Ronaldo 😄