The Onryo's post-PTB nerf is CLUNKY | Dead by Daylight

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The Onryo’s nerf from the recent PTB is really clunky and feels bad… despite doing well I wasn’t having much fun.


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16 thoughts on “The Onryo's post-PTB nerf is CLUNKY | Dead by Daylight”

  1. My first game back I got a 3k, with two condemns. Other than the stupid cool down it's a full revert with buffs. You get a full stack every TP, which is huge. I don't even hate, hate, the cooldown. It punishes you for choosing the wrong TV and having to tp again right away, theoretically that should just make us better at playing her. It's important to track the survivors.

  2. I would love for them to revert these changes back to what they were in the ptb. Something else I thought of is that maybe with each condem stack on a survivor, her lullaby radius is decreased for that specific survivor. That way she could be more stealthy and scary to go against

  3. Sadako was way better on the PTB

    Her lock-on was good so it actually incentivised hooking rather than slugging because you can guarantee a survivor won’t be able to get rid of stacks and the free teleports were a good thing to keep while also limiting the range of condemned so you couldn’t just mindlessly teleport and spread condemned with ease overall just making her a decent killer with strong pressure depending on whether you play by the basic killer guidebook.

    But now you can’t even spread condemned with each teleport, the whole power bar thing makes her teleporting feel so slow and sluggish because BHVR doesn’t seem to understand that we want no cool-down and to be able to spread condemned at the same time because it’s a good tool to use when you play as her and now even the lock-in is shit because it only locks in 2 stacks so it’s practically useless and whatever use you might’ve been able to get out of it you’re probably just better of getting all 3 hooks on someone or just slugging and hoping you can spread more condemned 💀

  4. on discord, peanits said they are removing the condemn restrictions, and increasing the maximum locked condemned to 3 per hook, increasing the teleport speed boost duration to 2 seconds from 1.5, and making manifesting to 4 m/s

  5. It's like 15 meters around EVERY TV when you tp. so it works as info as well. If they aren't where you tp, then you can narrow down where they are. Can also force them off gens that way, as they know you KNOW now. Could be good for Ruin.


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