Physically painful Huntress match | Dead by Daylight

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Just a painful match that shows just how annoying it is to face a battery of meta perks without running any meta perks yourself. This match took place during a challenge where I was limited to running certain perks and no add-ons.

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50 thoughts on “Physically painful Huntress match | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I'm glad for the upload, it's a bit reassuring to see even Otz makes mistakes. Well, maybe "mistakes" isn't quite correct, since there's nowhere I can really look back and say "you should have done this instead" without knowing the future, but it is nice to know that you really don't have to play perfect all the time to be at top level.

  2. 😂 doesn’t even loose his 1 million game win streak. Still complaining all match.

    When will you understand you play against this because you can BEAT this. Without those options you would literally never lose a game.

  3. You know Otz, watching you does not make me want to play more. Seeing as one of the best dbd killers out there is being that stressed out even with all that knowledge and talent you have… It reminds me how unfun this game is.

  4. Otz would be the perfect survivor in DBD
    One of his perks would be
    Let's guess
    When a killers perk comes in use
    The survivor's perk icon Let's guess lights up,
    (Cool down) lvl 1, 70 secs
    Lvl 2, 60 secs
    Lvl 3, 50 secs
    "I'm experienced with the killers plays and torture methods,enough to predict what they will be using on this trial"
    -apperantly Otz

  5. I feel like survivors are forced to run perks like this. They constantly run into matches where a killer face camps and tunnels for no obvious reason. As of right now I don’t think there will be a nerd or change to these perks for a long while for the sole reason that behavior can’t do anything about a killer who facecamps and/ or tunnels. It’s more of a community issue when it comes to these perks being disliked by a smaller portion of players.

  6. got like 3-4 matches in a row like that with…. blight… as a baby :'D
    without using Hex: Blood Favour because i want to learn how to deal with pallets.
    Thats pain though i don't wish anyone 3 games like this in a row its so stressful its not funny anymore.
    But same as you i feel a fun while doing it most games cannot provide in this manner.
    so hard but so fun

  7. Imagine being scared of the Killer. I'm never coming back, no matter how much BHVR "listens." Games like these are just not worth it, even if you have a fun game once every Blue Moon.

  8. I noticed at high skill levels on both sides that its more of a race of endurance of who can operate mistakeless for longer. The survivors started making mistakes after a while. Thats the deciding factor when survivors get close to the skill ceiling is their endurance to operate mistakeless.

  9. this happened to me today playing my third day of nurse, i ended up getting a kill and ouplaying another survivor opening the gate who deadharded past the gate which i read and waited before hitting them and downing them a few feet before the exit, someone comes and heal techs them i swing twice at the person healing and miss both times somehow and when i finally do get the hit the other person barely makes it out, i got robbed but the worst part is these guys were terrible, thankfully i made up for it the next game by slamming another sweaty toxic swf

  10. I feel like survivors would point at this and say this demonstrates the game is killer-sided, because Otz was able to 4k without meta perks.
    Except he had to play absolutely viciously by hardcore camping & tunneling, relying on a huge amount of experience to make ruthless macro decisions.
    And even after all that, he only really was able to win bc the survivors made a few mistakes. Versus good survs, it feels like the game is just, theirs to lose.
    Matches like these are so intensely miserable, and it's only all the worse if you aren't playing one of the best killers in the game, or if you're on a really bad map, or the survivors know how to make your meta perks practically useless.

  11. Remember, the devs will nerf slowdown stuff since it can "slow the match down too much" and make the match too slow, but survivors have been able to stack second chance perks on top of second chance perks and that's been the survivor meta for years now. They'll nerf Ruin since it was used in over 80% of red rank matches, but DS, Dead Hard, etc., have remained consistently strong and used across multiple survivors in a match for years (despite DS' various nerfs).

  12. That game would be a big L if Dwight was not that bad. The girls played so well ngl. Otz played that very well too. If there's one lesson to learn from this vid is to never give up 😀

  13. Just saying it here a killer will forever and always be worse than playing a survivor and people that think playing a Survivor can somehow be stressful need to reevaluate their life


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