Is The Trickster Buff GOOD ENOUGH?! | Dead By Daylight Developer Update

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In this Developer Update Post, we have a PTB coming on July 7th 2021 to Steam. And in that Dead By Daylight PTB, we will see Trickster Buffed! But is it even enough?



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About Me!

My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 1.5 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.

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Keywords:Dbd, dead by daylight tips, dbd tips, dead by daylight mobile, dead by daylight new killer, dbd killer tips, dead by daylight killer tips, dead by daylight update, dbd update, patch update,


30 thoughts on “Is The Trickster Buff GOOD ENOUGH?! | Dead By Daylight Developer Update”

  1. The whole time I was reading this update, I was thinking…”what does Dyllon think about this?” Now I don’t have to wonder 😁 I like your idea of the 50% decay floor better. None of the suggested changes feel like QoL improvements for trickster.

  2. The knives reduction just makes his iri photo card more powerful. Instead of 7 knives for an instant down 4-5 then instant down. Which will allow for another addon to be used. Base Trickster is still eh, but photo card will definitely be some people favorite now.

  3. I wish they would change Blood favor, change it like for Crowd control. The perk can be so good if it wasn't a hex. But I think they don't want to change hex perks too much. Besides for undying.

  4. Glad to see main event got some gud changes
    I'm also kinda iffy with the laceration amount change. Any decrease of required hits when talking about damage is always going to toe a thin line between bad and busted. Addons seem gud, comp throws is now worthy of an iri add on, and melodious is reasonable. New no way out is pretty gud as well, a true powerhouse of a late game perk now, rather than a Mild annoyance

  5. I feel like he is going to be a bit oppressive after this. As a Trickster main myself, i find that he is pretty good when i have his aim down and know when and where to use my knives. 6 to do a health state may be a bit to much!

  6. On paper… no. The buff is great, the nerfs are SEVERE. I don't think he would have been oppressive with just the buffs, especially considering how many loops he isn't great in, and how holding W is simply great against him. That said, maybe double throwspeed, or throwspeed and movespeed will become the addon meta.

  7. Hmmm. Dyllon, have you thought about becoming a game developer? You have so much great ideas for improvements in this game, I feel like they could benefit from you.

  8. I think that the buffs were good! I'm glad they looked into this. However, it feels like they made him easier rather than actually buffing his kit to the point where he's a lot stronger. I would love your suggestions a lot more. I hope that we get that, but we'll have to see how he's played first. – I'm hopeful!
    Thanks for the insight!

  9. I think his speed should be changed from 4.4 to 4.5, he just feels to slow with how long it can take to get a down. At the same time he shouldn't be the normal speed like the other killers.

  10. I’m pleased to see that they’re giving him some much needed buffs, however i feel like a better change would be 115 taking 8 knives to damage, or being 110 and staying 110 while using the knives, still taking 8 knives. I just compare trickster to the plague, who is a great example of a ranged killer at normal speed. I’m really hoping to see that come someday, overall though I’m very happy to see this! He really needed this buff!

  11. Tbh
    I think the changes are good but just not the most creative
    Trickster was weak and conceptually boring this buff makes him less weak but still conceptually boring. There really isn’t all to much reason to not compare him to huntress
    I would have personally liked to see a buff that makes him better and more creative
    This also still doesn’t make him any less annoying to play against, he is still a spammy killer and no one really like to go against that

  12. i love the buffs, and i never had an issue with holding Main Event by just not using my last knife until i see multiple people around. just like how Michael can hold his last bit of stalk until he can use it on multiple people i use the same technique on Trickster and i often get a pretty good use of it.

  13. I agree with all of your points! as a fellow trickster main I feel all they have done is just accentuate him, his highs and lows. He now is much better at what he does but now is worse in the areas he was already bad in. The laceration might be the worst part of this and I love your 50% laceration idea!

  14. I always thought that there shouldn’t be a decay on laceration in the first place, but instead make it so the survivors have to manually reduce their laceration by maybe like pulling out the knives after they’re hit by them or something. I don’t know if that makes sense


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