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I’ll be showcasing a perk called Grim Embrace that has one of the lowest pick rates at 0.37%! This perk is amazing on Pig, let me show you why!
00:00 Explanation
04:59 Match 1 – Coal Tower
15:00 Match 2 – Blood Lodge
SKULL MERCHANT – Fancy a guide on how to play this killer in a generator proxy that’s fun and actually good at the same time?? Look-see here 💖-
Fancy a guide that showcases a unique Skull Merchant strategy that involves looping and chasing that’s very fun and engaging for both sides?
Here ya go!! 💖
There’s also Add-on showcases on my channel that into depth of fun strategies you can pull off while having fun with this killer!!
#dbd #dbdkiller #dbdkillergameplay #dbdnewupdate
– Skull Merchant no longer gets her drones back immediately. You need to either down the Claw Trapped survivor or wait until their timer runs out (the Claw Trap will break automatically when fully depleted and cannot be reset)!
– Survivors who vault pallets with a Claw Trap will break both the pallet and Claw Trap!
– The Skull Merchant gains a flat HASTE Status Effect for each Survivor detected on the radar. This bonus is lost when no Survivor is detected on the Radar.
One Survivor : +3% — Two Survivors: +5%
Three Survivors: +6% — Four Survivors: +7%!
– Survivors can no longer hack drones with a Claw Trap on them!
HASTE – A status benefit for both killer and survivor. Haste grants the user extra speed in movement! (In this case, an additive % based on survivors on Skull merchant’s Radar)!
– Ultrasonic Trap Speaker (NEW EFFECT): Decrease the time it takes for UNDETECTABLE to take effect by 50%
– Increase the “Expired Batteries” add-on rarity to Ultra Rare (was Very Rare)
– Decrease the “Prototype Rotor” add-on rarity to Very Rare (was Ultra Rare)
– Increase Adaptive Lighting to 50% (was 20%)
– Decrease Expired Batteries to 40% (was 150%)
UNDETECTABLE – A killer status benefit that makes it where the killer’s red stain/light, terror radius, and aura cannot be visible or heard to the survivors by any means!
-No more cooldown from placing drones!
-Drones have a 10-second cooldown to manually activate (was 12.5 seconds)!!
-Lock On (EXPOSED) is now 60 seconds long (was 30 seconds) and it resets if survivors enter an active drone!
-The incomplete Lock On (EXPOSED) timer will start to decay after 10 seconds has passed (was 5)!
– Killer can see the progress of Lock On!
– Drones cannot be hacked 10 seconds (was 5 seconds)!
– Skull Merchant now walks at 110% (4.4 m/s) mov. when holding the Tracker (was 100%/4.0 m/s)!
– Claw Trap battery buffed to 45 seconds duration (was 25 seconds)!
– Survivors can no longer see the indicator (orange eye) looking at them to show that Skull Merchant is watching them!
EXPOSED – A type of survivor affliction where any basic attack causes them to be put in the DYING STATE regardless if they’re fully healed or not. Does not cut through ENDURANCE
DYING STATE – The state the survivors are in when they are crawling and are completely helpless when they’re in this state!!
ENDURANCE – A status effect for the survivors that allow survivors to take another hit, this mostly results in the survivor getting afflicted by DEEP WOUND
DEEP WOUND – A status affliction for survivors that causes a need for survivors to mend, this will appear as a yellow bar near the survivor’s portrait on the UI (user interface), if the survivors do not mend when the yellow bar fully depletes, they will be forced into the DYING STATE!!