Dead By Daylight| Statistical analysis of game balance from game changing patch 6.1.0!

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Dead By Daylight put up a blogpost on their official forums today, providing statistics about the current balance of the game since the release of patch 6.1.0 which made some game design changes and shook up the meta of the game with the changes of 40 different perks. So where are we at statistically as far as game balance pertaining to survivor escape rates, killer kill rates, and perk usage rates on both side? Let’s read all about it here together in the blog post.

Here’s the link to the blog post on the official Dead By Daylight forums if you want to read about it yourself:

What do you think about the current state of the game? Let me know in the comments!

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47 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight| Statistical analysis of game balance from game changing patch 6.1.0!”

  1. Dead By Daylight put up a blogpost on their official forums today, providing statistics about the current balance of the game since the release of patch 6.1.0 which made some game design changes and shook up the meta of the game with the changes of 40 different perks. So where are we at statistically as far as game balance pertaining to survivor escape rates, killer kill rates, and perk usage rates on both side? Let's read all about it here together in the blog post.

    Here's the link to the blog post on the official Dead By Daylight forums if you want to read about it yourself:

    What do you think about the current state of the game? Let me know in the comments!

    Thanks for watching!

    Thanks to all your support we've finally reached that elusive 100,000 YouTube subscribers milestone and the silver PLAY button from YouTube has arrived! Thank you for all your help. Obviously none of this happens without you. My son is very excited.

    To infinity and beyond! If you're one of the 70% of my viewers who watch my channel content but isn't subscribed please consider subscribing. Also double check if you think you are already subscribed because sometimes YouTube randomly removes subscriptions. Thank you for your help. Remember subscribing is completely free, it simply reminds you when I put up new content.

    If you buy any DLC or auric cell packages on Epic Game Store, you can support my channel by entering "PAULIEESTHER" in the creator tag box when you complete your purchase. I would appreciate it! Thank you! Or use my link here:

    Dead by Daylight | Download and Buy Today – Epic Games Store

    What's that symbol in the corner? That's my "Fog Whisperer" icon. What is a Fog Whisperer? A Fog Whisperer is a person who engages the DBD community by creating compelling and absorbing content to a high standard. Here's the list of the Fog Whisperers with links to their channels in this Dead By Daylight official website article:

  2. The reason people still run bbq is the same reason people in non English countries use self care.. They don't understand the game and the numbers. These people have ZERO CLUE bbq even got nerfed and just never took it off there builds. And the fact that bhvr knows this is happening yet uses this "data" just speaks to how little they truly understand there own game.

  3. Yea, that challenge design is horrible. Not only does it take you forever, it kills your motivation to keep playing without perks. Your team mates are left screwed. It promotes really horrible gameplay. On top of the tunnel and camp killer meta, this took me almost 7 hours to complete and was in NO WAY fun.

  4. I've weirdly noticed since the original patch I haven't seen one twins or oni ( the slug n campy killers ) but I've noticed every other killer now slugs and camps more, like back in the day if you see a twins you'd be like ahhhhhhh half the game on the ground and you knew it probably wouldnt be pleasant, I feel like now, half my matches are unpleasant regardless of killer cause the killers are overly thirsty, and the over half that are decent, your team mates end up being trash 🤦‍♂️😂

  5. I'm really surprised neither Eruption nor Overcharge made it into the top ten killer perks. They are really powerful perks, but I rarely see them. I don't think I've ever gone against a killer with Eruption even before it got buffed.

  6. I try and not run exhaustion perks and I tend to get screwed over because of it. I wish the stats took into consideration solo Q and if the games are played with 2, 3 or a full friend squad as I feel games are played differently in those scenarios.

  7. developers do not show real statistics. where who plays solo, and who plays in a team. developers hide the truth.

    I play solo. I used to run away in 4 out of 10 matches. today 1-2 times. i.e. 10-15%. what 39%. despite the fact that I have more than 4000 hours in DbD. Solo is simply impossible to play. The selection of players is terrible. randoms don’t fix gens, they always hide, they fall every 2 seconds, they only waste time 90% and help to killer easy win .

    Playing solo just started to cause some negative emotions. Killers camp and tunnel even more. DBD is broken and removed for me. Version 1.2 was the best time in this game. Today only licensed killers save the game when kids buy it. Pretty Good Job. What can I say


    Been finding that perk cringe even before it got nerfed to the dirt….med kit and boon healing so much better…..

  9. I personally wouldnt say alot of these changes where not for the health of the game. Because we know the effects of it. Soloq survivor is miserable and ppl quit playing, which we can see with the killer ques and the bp bonus changing. Yeah they changed the perks we use but killers are still running full gen defence/regression perks so nothing really changed on the killer side it just got significantly easier to stomp ppl. At 4-5 gens

  10. Cramming all the stats together into one really seems silly. I'd love to see the stats broken up by levels of the lovely MMR. This is like adding the stats of what kind of plays highschool football teams use with the plays the NFL teams use.

  11. Along with individual stats for the killers and their success rates, I would like to see data pertaining to solo survivor queues vs SWF. Lastly, was there a big change to the bottom tier perks being used more? They spent the time to buff them but does anyone care to use them now?

  12. It should be 50/50 on both sides but the killer devs just messed up the game so they can make money and toss this game away even Fortnite got more gamers on that game 💯😂 better cosmetics

  13. My Build "DH, Iron Will, Windows* and an "any" slot is still my build. Yes I'm losing more than before and yes the Games are a lot more boring than before aswell. You can feel again strongly that "Hit Validation" is a commentless cancled Feature and "Skill" is something Killers don't need anymore at all, thanks to the fast catch up Mechanics, aka Blood Lust. And having no exhausting Perk just because the Killer plays Legion or Deathslinger also doesn't feel right. We all knew it will suck and they'd delivered.

  14. I would like to know how much the average time of a DbD game has changed since the patch. DbD games are not meant to last long but 2 days ago I had a game that took almost 30 minutes (hag with gen regression perks defending her 3 gen)

  15. They clearly aren't looking at high mmr data. Not to mention the fact that the current state of the game revolves around a tunneling meta which, as an identity v player, doesn't really bother me that much anymore. Bhvr needs to make a decision. Do they want to become idv with 60% kill rates because of the tunneling meta or are they gonna help by adding more time to generators, to compensate for the stupidly large amount of gen speed perks survivors have. I want killer to be less stressful, I don't wanna win more games. I don't like stressing every match because gens are flying left and right, I don't want to tunnel survivors for even remotely a chance at getting at least a kill in a match before all the gens are powered.

  16. As a casual dbd survivor I am ok with the fact that killers are stronger, it gives me right fantasy and fear that I personally want. But the amount of aura reading and notification perks killers now have is annoying. It ruins my game style of being stealthy and altruistic a lot. Also not being in swf is horrible experience since no one unhooks for some reason…

  17. 6.1.0 was the finally straw for me. They made it easier than ever for the killer to effectively camp and tunnel you to death. They ruined all the decent survivor perks without giving hardly anything useful back. Even Iron Will. Really? BHVR sucks ass.

  18. I'm kinda confused by Windows of Opportunity going up that much. I do agree with the Queue times getting way better though for survivors, I match up in literal seconds. Lately I've exclusively been playing Survivor though because in my case the 100% bonus bloodpoints is always next to Survivor on the main menu and never killer, and If I try to start a killer game I'm in the queue for so long I eventually quit and go back to survivor. Around 10 minutes before I cancel. So I haven't even played Wesker yet because of this. Not sure what this issue is or if at all possible It's a console issue? I play on Playstation but I doubt it makes a difference for queue times but this is genuinely the longest I've ever waited to play killer before and strangely the shortest I've ever waited to play survivor.

  19. Me and my friend did the Self-care challenge together. One took boons and the other took SC and Medkit XD
    Somehow didn't take too many matches. like under 5 in total, tho I think I escaped through a hatch.

    Few things I'd like to happen. Killers killerates compared to how common said killer is. I think this would show the devs too the actual statistics behind the killrates. I don't remember when I last escaped from Pinhead, but I almost daily escape from Nurse/Huntress/Blight/spirit/etc. There are many reasons why ppl don't play Pinhead but those who do are already good at him, making his killrate be high af.
    Another change/thing id want is the incentive being changed from BP to Shards. Right now i think it only works to show "hey, killer ques take long time, maybe we should play surv". If they changed it to shards it probably would work a lot more, especially now when they're making shards more and more useful, adding Shards as an option for non-licensed cosmetics and Shrine needing even more than before.

  20. I think the incentive bonus should go higher for survivors. If it could go 100%/150% killer/survivor it would mean that even if you get bounced out of a couple matches the boost would mean something since survs make less BP than killers anyway.

  21. for me the matchmaking thing is bad just because when i play survivor i get put in a lobby nearly instantly but its always people that just started a game and are scared to do anything in a game but when i play killer dosent matter if theres a need for killers right now or not i wait 10+ mins and then when i find lobby theyre like prestige 16+ and they play like they have 1000+ hrs in game

  22. With the increased kill rates, a lot of the deaths are due to Survivors killing themselves on first hook. I play both sides equally killer/survivor, and see people dying on first hook a lot more then I ever did before the perk shake up. It doesn't matter what killer is being played or how the killer is playing people are sacrificing themselves to the detriment of their teammates quite regularly, where the game becomes a 3v1 at 4 or 5 gens.


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