PYRAMID NEW TOP 4? – Dead by Daylight!

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22 thoughts on “PYRAMID NEW TOP 4? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. that's why PH is my fav killer, anti loop and anti DS, I started mastering him this last month, I mean I noticed I really got better with him these last weeks, still hard against very efficient teams, but it is very nice not have to worry about DS.

    I do use pop tho, cuz Corrupt don't really help me anymore at high MMR, unless it's a lucky map, but I'd say it's not worth it anymore

  2. bit of a story: i always liked pyra's inclusion in dbd since sh2 was one of the few proper horror games i managed to play way back (if on stream) and gosh is it iconic, i really liked his implementation + playing him but then came the clunker nerfs on a killer whose ranged bit comes out very slowly and cannot be quickly turned unlike all the others so very telegraphed dodge

    then there was the major slowdown when putting trails a la plague, then there was the extremely slow m2 cancel into m1, then there was the increase of spam potential when you m2 and miss, which you would a lot since lots of maps have super open loops

    what came next? i'm not sure why but playing pyra attracted some of the most relentless survivor bullying i've ever seen after that, akin to myers from my experience (and who could be awful to the meme man himself??)

    i thought about it for a while and returning to pyra after a lot more killer experience i thought well, i never caged people because i always wanted to go for the 2 sec mori and that massive momentum shift but it didn't work so well vs good survivors.. but what about caging someone for the 2nd hook? what about doing that shortly after they're unhooked if they're around?

    if nothing ups a killer's winrate more than a sudden 3v1 like from a dc, what about just killing a survivor in 90 seconds flat?

    they lose all their confidence and stop giving you free distance from safe pallet teabagging/stop trying to bully when you put the fear of god in them unlike just about any other killer that still has to catch someone numerous times to kill them

    three times is all it takes, two if unhooker doesn't have bt, one if unhooker doesn't have bt + cage happens in m2 range

    you might feel a bit bad like how i did with the possibility of ganking a cocky flashlight nea on saloon in the first 2 minutes, so you might leave them on ground rather than death hooking them, and then they get picked up and immediately blind you out in the open when you're going for someone else, 'okay have it your way' as you follow the running sounds and down and dead

    for those of you who feel like you're just a toy

    tombstone piece myers / pyramid head / nurse (extra practice required but let's be honest not thousands of hours worth)

  3. Pyramid Head and Nemesis are my delights mainly because they challenge pallet loving survivors. Just whip/RoJ them and boom. I try to get better at placing torment down near hooked survivors to get some free hits but I notice that shit tends to disappear pretty quickly. I would imagine its because I am too close to the hook?

  4. Love how when a killer has the opportunity to get rid of one survivor quickly it's considered bad. Yet survivors do the gens as quick as possible and it's "GG ez baby killer git gud" bs. The double standards in this game still amaze me


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