Any Lithe or Bamboozle enjoyers out there? #DeadbyDaylight #dbd #welcometodbd

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Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer action/horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As Survivors your goal is to work together to evade, escape, and most importantly – stay alive.      


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30 thoughts on “Any Lithe or Bamboozle enjoyers out there? #DeadbyDaylight #dbd #welcometodbd”

  1. Ooo, Bamboozle enjoyer, I do like cutting lengthy loops early 🙋‍♂️
    I also like the powers survivors had during the anniversary event, where they could block off a window behind them. Perhaps a similar mechanic like this could be worked in to a perk later?
    It’s like a survivor’s version of Hex: Crowd Control.
    Although, in locations where there’s only a vault to move through, this could be problematic…
    Regardless I still love the idea.

  2. Yall are fucking horrible at preventing tunneling. The killer wont facecamp. Thet just proximity camp. Survivor too close? Than the meter stops entirely and the ither survivor dies. Getting tunnelled off hook? Nothing i can do about it because the killer finds me right after my 10 seconds are up and i die. And dont tell me to just "use anti tunnel perks" cause i dont wanna spend five dollars for a near useless perk that you still have to be good at the game to get value from. Borrowed time? Useless. Healing off hook? Cant do that cause my build relies on me being injured so i lose the match if im not injured. Friends? I have little friends,and the few i have either dont play the game anymore,or dont join and if they do they usually dc the minute the killer finds them. So im alone. I try to prestige anyone and get bloodpoints? Cant do that. I get tunneled and its a waste of a difficult offering to find. I dc out of anger? You assholes make me wait to have another chance at not feeling horrible about myself. Because of a diffrent person being an asshole. I try to genrush? The killer finds me the second i start a generator. I just quit the fucking game? Cant do that. I constantly have an urge to keep playing no matter how annoyed or depressed i am i feel like i need to keep playing. Im too poor to move to pc so i cant do that meaning i am set at a limit while pc players have no limit of skill. Mmr just makes my situation worse. As killer,i cant even enter a match anymore because i won TWICE and you give me a lobby where the amount of prestiges is 247 higher than my zero on that killer. I try to be a friendly killer? Everyone at that level is an asshole sweat who doesnt understand anything but flashlights. I want to use a good killer? Too bad because blight is the hardest character in the game and nurse is just fucking annoying.

  3. Very informative even for a veteran. I didn’t know about the entity blocking the window again if vaulted after 30 seconds because most survivors just leave when the window blocks to find another tile or drop the pallet first then leave depending on the situation.

  4. Beginners need a new and improved in-game tutorial + more and better general perks and, why not, make some DLC killers part of the base game on all platforms, such as Hag and Doctor. Also, rework the Shrine of Secrets.

  5. controversial opinion. remove blood lust (its a brain dead ability that basically shouts: hey survivors! you cant be too good at the game (im not, im talking about actually good players))


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