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Pig Video Tape Add-on is OP?! Number 8 WR Pig game! | Dead by Daylight
Hey all it’s PotatoPig here I hope you’re keeping well!
In todays video we play with the new Video tap add-on with a really nasty devour hope / lethal pursuer build!
If they manage to get traps off, they will then have to deal with devour hope!
Our first game got accepted as the 8th fasted pig game in the world!!
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pig main confirmed
Congrats on the record. I don’t play this game or care to but for whatever reason your videos on it are always entertaining
First match was boring Ngl but good vid
I think pigs most nasty and funny build if it works is that iri add on and the one that makes it so if they mess up a skill check combined with the lethal it’s op
Ostracising and bad mouthing CMWinter for no reason? Try to be less toxic and negative please
Lethal Pursuer moment.
I actually got into a game with "Hex: Dead Inside" he was pissed at me too xD
Pig's mori is based on how she kills Tapp from the movie, which is also referenced with Tapp's perk Tenacity
They may have been running that one Yui perk with iron will. That's been a pretty popular combo lately in the mid teirs.
Question: Why do you dislike cmwinter?
you're amazing!
Why is every youtuber into getting world records with pig? there are like 3 players in the entire world playing her and posting their results
I've seen it done a tiny bit faster on mobile ..oh hex dead inside plays via mobile..I've seen some insane fast matches specially with to be as good as u as killer nothing I do even getting all red I can't get out rank 16 like wtf 😑
I think they should have more than one mori so it's more randomised
Love your videos bro and such a good build. Are you always hitting rank 1 on both sides each season?
Lots of anti-Winter coping and seething.
U can't get the video tape on the mobile version wow 😳 I'm gutted 😢
I've had games where soon as I've spawned I've heard the scream of 3 others like all 3 were on the ground 😳like how 🤔
Dude i waited 20+ minute's for a game as hellraiser only to have all them DC within the first few minutes.i caught dude slippin in the start they was all gold and red Tier i had full ruin your day build with a red Mori i was so mad.