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Play PYRAMID HEAD Like a PRO! – Dead by Daylight TWITCH Today we have a pyramid head …
Play PYRAMID HEAD Like a PRO! – Dead by Daylight TWITCH Today we have a pyramid head …
Let me know if you like these guides!
Who's permahead?
I really love those guides!
I'd love for all survivors to be like this, running in a straight line without looking back and without trying to dodge the attack
One of the saddest things about basekit BT is that you can't double down on unhook anymore T-T
Loved the intro
Great video style
"Oh they want a save, we'll just send her for a cage…oh wait, she's D3AD!"

you are a funny guy gg.
Dead you need longer videos buddy
Lucky I’ve suddenly gotten inspiration to start playing him again
Apsolutly hate playing against pyramid head
Cool tips. Okay im starting to understand how to play him
Bro bullied that Fireside guy

well played
why send into cage if you are right above the basement
Lol. D3AD respecting the moonwalk.
Poor Claudette in the last game. I bet she was just trying to play the game but got grouped up with a 3 Nea team who were just messing around . lol
too ez for you <3
One – How do you stay wholesome playing this game? Two – Where are you from because your voice is great?
9:09 as i was drinking water i spit it out and it also came outta my nose LMFAOOOOOOOO
Looked like that Claudette was play a straight game as the Nea trio just wanted to fuck around.
"Play like a pro" , but you are a pro.
heres a toxic tip if you wanna keep all survivors tormented dont use the cage just hook like normal
i do not miss playing against him
Nice please more of that
Play Huntress Sniper like a pro' plz(⌐■-■)
Hahaha bro you always play with noob players so stuiped man when he say toxic team yeah for sure toxic you probably mean noob players
Been watching you for a long long time now, and I really do enjoy this style of video. It’s refreshing, polished, informative, and entertaining; very good stuff.
Hey, Off-topic guys…
start talking about Adam Smasher as a killer, Thanks
yaass PURamid
Funny, brutal, perfect
wich accent is that?¿?¿?!
It’d would’ve been so cool if u faced off against jrm and them during there hardcore.
love the New type of content
hoprefully you do more killers
What is your favorite killer and what killer do you think you play best within or is the best
Love your vids man
10:55 that is beautiful
That hit at 10:57 was disgusting.
4:46 – ah, my favourite Pyramidhead tech. The Punish Pallet Throwccccccc. Gotta learn how to do it myself
Not me watching a tutorial on how to play pyramid head when he is the killer I have the most hours with and most success
Love the big CHOP
Dude, I love your accent. I can't explain it but it's very interesting. xd
There is one thing about pyramid head's m2 that survivors can use to their advantage and it's vaulting palettes. If you time it right, you can deny the m2 attack. It's a very small window of opportunity but it's worth trying if you're already super cornered by dropping a palette in a narrow path next to pyramid head.
10:53 woah
I feel like pyramid head is as strong as nurse, stronger than blight. If a good PH gets you in their sights, there's almost nothing you can do to get away.
Moonwalking Nea made up for her tea bags, by dying!
Great game DEAD!
More Videos in that style please
Your insand at this game. Glad your doing how to play tutorials.
"Try to body block Pyramid Head; that's the smartest thing"