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Like totem builds and melting faces? Well this build allows us to do just that and with Singularity we are able to protect those said totems!
#redsgaminggears #dbd #Singularity
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Violent trapper – devour hope, grim embrace, thanatophobia, and pain resonance or gift of pain.
love these keep it up!!
Idk how you ever get devour hope value all my totems get cleansed within 2.5 seconds of the match starting
Feel better ❤
Get well soon bro, you deserve some rest after all the amazing content ur giving us ❤
He did my build thank you so much Red I love all your videos. Thank u for choosing my build
I’m a fan of Third Seal currently since Windows of Opportunity is so common, especially if I’m doing a Hex build anyway. 🙂 I like doing Third Seal, Undying, Thrill, and Pentimento (pretty similar to the video build, just Third Seal instead of Devour). Works pretty well typically, especially if you’re slugging for pressure on and off.
Omg I’m in the video❤️❤️❤️ love you @reds
Love a good hex totem build
Can I request a build, it's called ultimate speed build, it's for wraith
Play with your food
Machine learning
The Chucky perk that makes you faster near completed gens
Noed for end game since there's no gen perks
For be add-ons, use one of the add-ons for faster uncloak's and one of the add-ons that make you faster while cloaked.
I've tested this out in a custom game with max pwyf stacks, machine learning active, cloaked for the extra speed & being near completed gens. you move incredibly fast
Red, Please do the Hardcore Killer Challenge, I would def watch that
Who the hell punchs babies!?
Scream Queen Sadako build:
Thwack/Infectious Fright, Brutal Strength, Deathbound, Face the Darkness, add-ons of your choice, preferably the screaming one, have fun 😀
Not an angle I expected him to come from… THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!