PLAY WHO YOU VERSE! ft. CLOWN! – Dead by Daylight!

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37 thoughts on “PLAY WHO YOU VERSE! ft. CLOWN! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. slenderman? could be a good idea but this devs are just crazy, i'm guessing next chapter will be "The Predator" from the movies with Arnol Schwememegger and everything lol

  2. 1:30 before even starting a gen if you were the one being chased this is something you often mention. I am not at all saying that your early play was poor or anything like that. You had things going on you did a totem and were trying to find out if you were safe. I am simply stating this kind of stuff happens to other people and you comment on things like oh if someone else was being chased I would have a gen done in this time… "Imagine if the other survivors were like me."

  3. Play this game on mobile only for a couple of months then go back to PC and see how much better you've become. Playing Mobile is a great way to get better at this game and once you go back to PC it feels so much easier.

  4. I had a similar idea True about looking for Parts for gens.
    The Idea being that every chest on the map has a part for a gen, and you need to escort that part to a gen to work on it.

    This would mean that every map would need at least 7 chests and the killer and survivor chest add ons would mean that both sides have more or less options to go to.

    This means that you won't have 3 gens working at a time. If you protect some chests and pressure gens with a smaller map the matches would become more and more skill based. With survivors needing to loop and lose the killer to get the part to the gen.
    This would also give time for the killer to set up, either a eruption gen kicking or traps.

  5. Hi true, I've subscribed to your channel fora few years now and just started playing DBD. By any chance could you tell me how do you increase your brightness in your videos? Cant see shit sometimes while playing.

  6. 3:50 that is exactly what Friday the 13th was like. “Noo” lol you literally had to find gas and a car battery “outside” or in buildings. The keys (for car) and fuse for the phone where inside drawers but the survivors were all searching drawers any ways for healing and defense items. You legit described fridays survivor escape mechanic system. What made that game ruff was if someone died with the required escape item in for forest area it became practically impossible to use that means of escape because it was incredibly difficult to re find that item.

  7. Man, these bottle tosses are really clean, only thing is maybe he needs a bit more faith with the yellow bottle, i dont think with the right arc, u dont have to pause so u get the speed boost


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