Wow. Just wow. | Dead by Daylight

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Today I played DBD and played several games, most of them quite difficult and draining. But somehow none of them annoyed me as much as this last match. My opponents seemed to have a great time though. Matches like this are making me reconsider the way I approach making content for this game if I’m completely honest.

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47 thoughts on “Wow. Just wow. | Dead by Daylight”

  1. ngl this game would be 10x better without DH, they could actually balance it a bit better, survivor has way too many advantages anyway and only super OP killers can beat good teams

  2. This perk is why at least lightborn and maybe franklins are always on every one of my killers. Works out though cause survivors either die trying to flashlight save, or die running back for their dropped items while still being injured

  3. This is the 3rd time this month that I tune in to the stream, see you play a match and see that same match on your channel the next day, how the hell does it keep happening

  4. Hello Otz, i was the Mikaela in this game(and i can prove it). We were 4 man swf just trying to have fun/ a normal game, because before that we got several extremely sweaty nurses with the typical pain res, pop, nowhere to hide, corrupt, jolt etc playing as if their family's lives depends on the win, so we were really annoyed that we put 4 cakes/bps and the killers hardcore destroyed us game after game. I am happy i played against you, but since you have anonymous mode we didn't even knew its you until you posted the video. We weren't toxic, you weren't toxic, no map offering so we were happy that finally we had a normal game 🙂
    Btw when all 3 of us were slugged and you were searching for the Thalita, she was in main with Iron Will, that saved us the game.
    Much love Otz❤

  5. The fact that flashlight saves were made far easier and background player exists now makes this so much more frustrating, at least before the survivor had to put themselves at risk by being close to you or had to save a sprint burst if they wanted to keep a safe distance. I don’t know how I’d change this though, maybe make it so killers gain a stacking resistance to flashlights each time they’re blinded?

  6. Guessing they were one of the top comp teams or something, and the Dredge is such a sucky killer tbh. Super high MMR, i never had players like that on my team, after 1000 hours

  7. Thats exactly why Im a surv main. When you get tunneled, you get tunneled. You feel awful but you can start the next match, or you have your team to save you also. But as a killer you struggle the whole match, don't even have the time to blink cause 3 gens are done, a lot of times u get tbagged and laughed at and theres nothing u can do lol. It feels so bad man.

  8. Btw this is literally the best time u could possibly post this video, cause I wanted to get into killer after 900 hours of non stop surv all this year, but last night I got bullied with flashies and head ons so bad I just turned off my whole game XD

  9. I legit feel the need to q dodge if i see 2+ flashlights and even more so if they are p100. Its just not worth the hassle man im playing max 5 games of killer after work i aint dealing with this shit

  10. At least I'm not the only one having frustrating games right now. In my last game within ONE SECOND 3 tinkerers popped at the same time and as a not so experienced player I really didn't know what to do.

  11. Definitely a rough one. This is how I feel on both sides. As survivor vs countless P100 or tunneling killers and as Killer vs 4 man SWF teams. So everyone deals with this very thing on both sides to many different degrees.

  12. So let me get it straight, survivors are in comms, OUTPLAY, the living HECK out of the killer, get a strong map, pick strong perks and they still struggle to win? Good thing i uninstalled, killer has been trivialized so much it hurts to watch.


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