PLAY WHO YOU VS! MYERS! – Dead by Daylight!

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40 thoughts on “PLAY WHO YOU VS! MYERS! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Man I really loved deception at first but now Killers are so conditioned to it, it very rarely works anymore. I honestly think you should switch it out for Borrowed Time so you have more consistency with saving your team when you need to. Good games though either way. Keep it up <3

  2. Can someone tell me or explain me wjat these Offerings at 13:30 are i am playing very long and i am very confused about the fourth in the middle row and the first one un the last row what is that i never seen that before

  3. Lol i'm the bald david in the match u were playing myers, we really fucked that up, that cheryl tho was dumb, she decided to camp that pallet instead of saving us whrn she hsd a very good chance

  4. Okay guys I've got a question, maybe you can help me.
    I don't quite understand True's complaining about how you can't win without slugging or proper gen defense. He even says that a win in the sense where everyone's dead isn't that great because you neither get points nor pips. So why doesn't he redefine a win by slugging less and playing the game normally, hooking and so on to get points? He even got the guys 3-gen'ed this round, there would have been no harm in playing around it.
    It's like he is pissed whenever he doesn't get a 4K, but shouldn't that be the rare perfect case that doesn't happen that often? Killing 2 and hooking the others 1 or 2 times gives you easy 20k BP and the survivors feel like they won as well. So why does he always embrace these dirty techniques when a game probably won't give him a 4K? He even said that the survivors played well. So why not playing fairer without abusing stategies like slugging?
    And yes, I know that he could play much worse with more camps etc. But just because it can be worse doesn't mean his playstyle's good.

  5. Dude the hook counter on the new crap HUD is bad, it goes up to 12 but in how many games does any killer get 12? 1%? So the killer will always look at a gauge they can never fill up. I wouldn't trust the devs to balance a seesaw.

  6. Been watching true just on YouTube but just alone from his videos has made me such a better player highest I’ve gotten is rank 2 playing solo not a swf so anyone can be good! Practice and tbh confidence in you’re moves and plays helps a lot!

  7. It might just be a build of the best of the guy's unlocks for myers. I've got terrible perks unlocked for a few killers at 50 so just try to make the best of it. All survivors are the same just different skins so it;s less BP to get all the perks unlocked for 1 survivor whereas you've got to really invest time into every single killer to unlock everything for every killer. Just saying.

  8. Hey true what do you think of this perk idea for the next killer, A perk where if you hook one survivor it'll activate the perk and when its activated if a survior hasn't been hooked yet it'll automatically put them in the second stage when hooked but you can only use it once per match?

  9. I would love a replay feature so I could have recorded the funniest thing that happened to me. Killer slugged us all then couldn't find two of us. I found the hatch thinking the other guy would bleed out first then I could escape. Killer finds him and somehow he struggles off (not sure if killer did it on purpose to try and find me). Buddy runs over to me knowing I'm on the hatch, has a key and we both escape. Man the killer was pissed!


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