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We played a match as The Blight with 8 Rush tokens! Enjoy this gameplay commentary as The Blight in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
Twitch Channel
#DBD #intothefog
My favorite blight add-ons are the adrenaline vial with the yellow recharge (torn notes I think) almost instant recharge from using all tokens, good practice if you're trying to figure out the logic of blight
RCMP just flagged my account for watching this illegal gameplay.
Literally me yesterday finally having fun in DBD
Grape soda blight
What's the meter for next to the gens remaining
I had an Oni game where I got a treat pumpkin and massive energy transfer haste to speed up demon dash, I wish I could get that again lol its so fun to just be on the other side of the map in like 6 seconds lol
Shadowborn on Blight makes him look like a bullet
BHVR: "how many rush tokens do you want?"
Tat: "yes."
8 charges, 0 kill…
What's blight ability do?
looks like im stocking up on the halloween addon for my blight
i was using those addons yesterday and it was really fun!!!:)
he won't do it, he hates Adrenaline Vial
bro got the worst common sense
The Claudette had auto DH cheat most likely
mr. tatariu im sorry to break this to you but the eighth (that looks like its spelled wrong) token literally only got used 6 times 5:09 6:25 6:54 8:24 12:00 13:19 none of which connected into hits. so we can conclude that the event sucks and bhvr should fix it. im sure scott will make a video on this soon
Get Lilith in here! This is important!