Red's Requested HEAL COLLAPSES WRAITH Build! Dead by Daylight

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This build is 100% hit and run focused that relies on survivors setting up boons or removing totems in order to get gen slowdown.

I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Wraith Gameplay!
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#dbd #Wraith #DeadbyDaylight #redsgaminggears #BHVR #intothefog
00:00 Build Breakdown
01:10 Game 1
14:55 Game 2


22 thoughts on “Red's Requested HEAL COLLAPSES WRAITH Build! Dead by Daylight”

  1. Legion Tech:

    ‘Dissolution’ With ‘Enduring’ Try To End Frenzy On The Side The Survivor Is Of That Pallet. To Try The Force Of The Vault. No One Ever Expects it.

    Any 2 Other Perk And Addons.

  2. Maximum Snowball Oni

    – Lethal Pursuer
    – BBQ and Chili or Floods of Rage (I use BBQ since I don't have FOR)
    – Infectious Fright
    – Monitor and Abuse

    Add Ons
    – Yamaoka Sashimono
    – Lion Fang

    I've been enjoying this build after the Buff to Lethal Pursuer. The idea here is to get your power ASAP with Lethal, then snowball the survivors with Infectious Fright after you get a down. The add ons will give you more time to catch up to survivors after getting a down. Monitor and Abuse not only let's you get closer to the survivors at the start with lethal, but it gives you a bigger terror radius for Infectious Fright Value. And BBQ/FOR pairs well with Lethal Pursuer, and lets you find any survivors who elude your snowball zone of death. Obvious downside here is there isn't much slowdown, so I recommend setting up for a 3gen early.

    Go get some hooks!

  3. People for real saying dead hard is awful. Like old dead hard where people underestimated it, I 100% believe it'll return to the meta, with dead harding at pallets where the killer either swings or gets a pallet in the face. At least I'm not watching out of position bad survivors just e for distance anymore though 😌

    The return of hit and run Wraith is nice to see though!

  4. Red's Requested

    No-Healing Nurse.

    Sloppy Butcher or Knockout (Whichever you prefer)
    Add-ons. (Also Whichever you prefer)
    Would recommend doing it on smaller maps because you get the most value from it so maybe maps like Haddonfield or the clown map.

  5. Bruh builld.
    Killer: Doctor
    Addons: calm-carter’s notes/ calm-class ||
    3.unnerving presence
    4.scourge hook: gift of pain/sloppy butcher.
    mapp; Midwich

  6. That second game is pretty much how all my survivor games look like: noone saves from hook, 2-3 people downed at all times, doing gens near hooked person where killer can easely chop your head off, staying near basement etc.


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