Playing against the NEW Skull Merchant | Dead by Daylight

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We’re testing out how things feel to play against the newly reworked Skull Merchant! … is she any fun to play against now?
Dead by Daylight
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14 thoughts on “Playing against the NEW Skull Merchant | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I wish they did the “stationary cant see unless moving” drones thing if the drones are above generators to stop the 3 genning and kept the exposed effect when in the drones radius for too long so you could use the drones in chase better at least

  2. Red light green light is a good change for her. Thank god chess merchant is finally dead. but the LOS requirement for the drones absolutely kills any real potential she has.

    I think the only way they could make skully fun in chase would be to give her drones different toggle-able modes primarily focused on offense. Like a toggle that hinders anybody inside, or applies hemorrhage and have it apply to even stationary survivors. Completely remove any information she gets from the drones besides "there's a guy somewhere in your drone setup" and only give her pinpoint tracking when they have a clawtrap. Basically have her as a killer with build a bear debuffs that can be tinkered with by survivors disabling drones.


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