The Difference A Meta Build Can Make In Dead by Daylight

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In this video we are playing pig and showing the difference a strong build and the map can make. I hope you enjoy me getting ran for 5 gens AND the video!
Huge thanks to Angel for some photoshop help and @Monaka Inu for the final thumbnail.

I stream 5 times a week at

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0:00 Intro
1:13 Non Meta Build
5:59 Meta Build


44 thoughts on “The Difference A Meta Build Can Make In Dead by Daylight”

  1. "Pig is an absolute bottom tier killer. What exactly can you do with no looping power?"
    "I can make survivors exhausted at the beginning of the match."
    "Wait – like, no Dead Hard?"
    "New main."

  2. Always interesting seeing survivors loop when exhausted.
    Because they kind of, don't.
    It's like they've forgotten how to do anything without being able to correct a mistake or greed a pallet.

  3. The amount of pallets on cowshead, and how closely tiles can be linked together, is mathematically unfair for m1 killers.

    The amount of time it takes to chase a survivor in one of these loops, on average, is greater than both the time it'll take the survivor to simply reach a new pallet while most likely retaining their healthy status, as well as the time it takes other survivors to complete at least one generator.

    Basically, the pallets, loops, and loop chaining potential is so great that it effectively has permanent stall for most m1 killers. It NEEDS to be adjusted.

    Then survivors can have insta heals, and 80% of survivors will also bring dead hard, which both immediately and completely correct any mistakes made in looping, meaning a long chase around one of those unfair loops is almost guaranteed.

    And behaviour wonders why killers are leaving the game

  4. I remember how the devs changed old ruin cause nearly ever killer used it, yet dead hard is one of if not the most used survivor perk and was only contested with ds. Meta is extremely stale yet is promoted greatly cause if you don’t use meta, you just are likely to lose. Tbh this might sound weird but I’d love to see a time period or a mode where for killer, all gen meta perks are gone, and for survivor, all but a few exhaustion perks are gone (minus some things like adrenaline, head on)

    Edit:For anyone else new seeing this, the thought is to see how much general skill players have both to killer and survivor and how pallet/structure set up (or just maps overall) detail the match results. This could see how strong the maps are, how strong killers are, and even if you want, could show the distance of capabilities between swf teams and solo queue

  5. It just takes too long for any decent changes to happen in this game. Good ol’ vacuum pallets? Devs said they were fine for a long while. Hooks that don’t regenerate on breaking? No problem there. It takes years of players screaming in their face for them to even consider what they think is wrong. Also pretty much the ONLY viable way of getting them off their ass, besides review bombing (that’s what “mains” do)

  6. When im running a super niche or meme build, i expect to lose and its fine when i do. Whats funny though is how survivors see that then still talk shit. like, take the meme builds when they come and enjoy it, talking shit just makes me want to put the sweat build back on.

  7. 5:17 ngl, it makes me feel better seeing someone i think of as a really good killer getting 0 hooks before all the gens pop, it doesnt happen to me very often but when it does man thats a shitty feeling. Glad its not just me

  8. The Problem with dead hard its feels cheap.
    I use it myself and im a myers Main on the opposite side.
    Its like a free out of prison card.
    All exhaustion perks have a downside. Sb= you cannot run without using it..and you can be pretty good being cut off.
    Lithe = you need a Window etc.
    Head on= locker. No distance.
    Overcome= You must be healthy.

    DH= Must be injured. Thats not a downside thats the flow of the game.
    And its gives way to much for it. And it e works … even if you dont have it. Because every killer will wait for dead hard.
    I hear alot of you can bait…you can play around it.
    If you use it for Distance … for a pallet or Window. You cannot bait it… you cannot play around it.
    If you have the surv in a dead zone and you bait it out. Its still not play around. Every surv goes down there. Its still value for the surv that you have to bait it out.

  9. Can't say Midwhich and Cowshed are fair comparisons, even if you switched which games had the silly or meta perks, the results would be nearly the same. So idk if this really accurately shows the difference of try hard meta and non try hard perks on a killer. It does show greatly how maps can affect a game based on killer. I feel like DBD should strive to make map balance more universal, like shrink farm maps a little and clean up a lot of nonsense pallets on smaller maps(keep the strong loop pallets but eliminate the tiny loop pallets) stuff for example

  10. It's crazy how the design flaws start showing up when either side decides to either not follow any rulebooks. Like, unless you play Nurse/Blight/Spirit/Artist, killer feels miserable if the survivors ignore the rulebook with regards to "Don't hold W every time" and "Don't predrop every pallet". Same goes for survivors and some of their rulebook. It's a huge design flaw that you are literally unable to have fun unless the other side lets you… on a competitive game, where the other side has every incentive to not let you have fun.

    This game only sort of works when neither side is trying too hard (I miss old purple rank gameplay), or when both sides are going balls deep with everything they can get, but then it's the stale DH/UB/DS/(CoH|Adrenaline) vs Nurse and Blight with a mix of slowdown/info. BNPs vs omega blink and alchemist's ring. Stale stale stale.

  11. I always wondered about the double standards survivor's have.

    One being their motto of "The killer doesn't care for the survivor's fun" and that the point they're trying to make is that if you don't let them have a little bit of fun and just try hard all the time then you're toxic.

    But then they can't seem to grasp that they don't care for the killer's fun either. Tell me, if a killer realizes a team isn't strong or that he has the major advantage, should he try to make it easy as to not overwhelm the survivors? Maybe right?

    Now tell me, if a SWF or a survivor team in general, realizes the killer isn't one of the strongest, isn't the most experienced kind, and isn't running a meta build for that killer or killers in general, should they, OR would they take it easy on this killer once they realize they already have the major advantage?

    A majority of survivor mains trying to prove their point would most likely tell you "Yeah, I would cause I care about their fun". But the majority of them would just take advantage of that.

    So which is it then? Should both sides care about each others fun? Or are they just going to keep pushing this mentality that the killers "Don't care about our fun" if they'd do the same were you not an experienced killer?

  12. Save for a few exceptions, im honestly led to believe predrop meta is the easiest way you can gain elo.

    Not one, but 10 matches i have played today wherein i could not do anything with various killers, and by the time i had my first hook at least two generators were completed.

    Dead hard is a huge contributor, as without it, every down would take significantly less. Huge shame.

  13. I think you should have gone for someone besides your obsession when that first generator got repaired. Since you had Rancor, you could just kill him at the end if they complete all of the generators.

  14. Midwich is not only a strong killer map but also well suited for pig.
    the fact that they werent swf and u killed feng at 5 gens was a deciding factor for the outcome.
    so in order of importance : Map > SWF > Video Tape > no DH > Perks.

  15. Am i weird for not wanting to use Meta on survivor? On killer is nearly an Obligation, but i like using different perks on survivor, and weirdly enough, i don't use DH, but now that i do, i mess it up constantly or don't use it at the right time

  16. Hey Hens I always notice hoy you put calm relaxing music over the gameplay and I don't really watch streams so I don't know if this is added in with editing or you just happen to listen to this kind of music, if that is the case, do you do it to help you calm down when you are playing or is there any other reason why you do it?

  17. I honestly think one of the only ways to fix meta spam and stale gameplay is to split DBD into it's own respective competitive and casual playlists. I know this will split the community into casual and comp players and inevitably lengthen queue times, but there needs to be a way for C-tier killers to not get shit on and for survivors to not need to run ultra-meta perks (namely Dead Hard) all the time. You're never going to have completely balanced gameplay. If DH were to ever take a heavy nerf for instance, there will be another perk to take its place. So rather than going through an endless cycle of switching around meta perks, the player base should have the option to choose how seriously their games are taken.

  18. That first game is the perfect example of why we need a concede button on both sides.

    In the first case, assume you didn't have any better perks to run, there's nothing you could even have planned for, and then in like 4 minutes all but 1 gen is done.

    Like come on behavior, I know DBD is super HYPER competitive, but you want people to not DC? Give us a fair way to leave if we can clearly see we are going to get crushed.

    There needs to be a certain time limit or Gen requirement for Killers or something so you can't just walk in and then concede to drop MMR.

    The same situation applies to survivors: let's say you have someone on your team who DC's right away, then another person DC's on first hook, with no gens done.

    There should be an option at that point to vote with the remaining player on who wants to fairly concede, take the loss, and still get some blood points to build up the character. Maybe there is a BP penalty for concession or something.

    This seems like a great way to not waste people's time.

  19. Sorry to say, but you just aren't that good with Pig. You don't crouch " mind game" nearly enough at tiles, nor do you set a time limit per chase. Macro management is key to good pig play. You should play wraith instead bro.


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