Please Remove the DC Penalty Until Cheating is Fixed – Dead by Daylight

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44 thoughts on “Please Remove the DC Penalty Until Cheating is Fixed – Dead by Daylight”

  1. The discussion section on steam is the worst. I suggested the same thing( + the game crashes quite often and gives dc penalties for that). And I got no support, instead some idiots told me that there are almost no hackers in dbd and that I should shut up. Yeah, like I don't know what I'm writing about. Like I wasn't held hostage despite me not being a streamer. Like I wasn't forced to DC because I didn't want to interact with hackers in any type of form( some of them might try to frame you).

  2. Don't say it's a "hard thing" to do. Don't say, "until you fix the problem". All this would imply that they are even trying. But they don't, the devs don't give a single shit about these things.

  3. Cheaters are playing everyday, I usually play for an hour before my work in the morning (I don't even know why) I had the same cheater 3 days in a row.

    Holding game hostage making every gen go to 0% instantly we spent all game trying to sandbag the cheater for the killer but alas nothing you can do when they are flying around.

    However the most frustrating part was the cheater and killer thinking it was great fun and that I was the bad one for saying the cheater was ruining the game. Ever since content creators made videos on it it's got so much worse.

    They need to fix it as I have no desire to play a janky pos game that ALSO has tonnes of cheaters, I barely retain my sanity when getting hit clear through windows now I get to enjoy a dc penalty because they don't even have a generic flyhack system in place.

    Amateur hour at BHVR nobody wants to play a game riddled with cheaters it's boring after one time of seeing it. Well time to play back 4 blood because the devs have no passion to keep the integrity of games.

  4. Removing the dc penalty would make cheaters less of an issue but its like removing the brain if due to a tumor. It opens up other problems like ppl dcing whenever they see a killer or a map they dislike

  5. i see killers in middle of hooking dc.. survivors that working in a gen dc…they also face a penalty because the servers suck i also suddenly from no where get disconnected and i knoiw its not from my network

  6. Wish theyd add dynamic DC penalties so at the very least in scenarios where the game just halts to a standstill cause one side drags it out unnecessarily at least youre not punished regardless of if you played 1 min or a 15 min game. Even without cheaters there's still scenarios where the game stops being fun and you have to wait for the others to decide to continue playing or stop halting it. Like survivors hiding for 10 mins doing nothing with 1 gen left or killers slugging without end for a 4k. After a point its not a game and just a waiting lobby to get back to the lobby to queue for another game.

  7. ive been watching coconuts and I think at the very least 50% of his time streaming is him just, doing something else because he is being held hostage, and im being generous.

  8. Id go a step further and say there shouldn't be any DC match timeout penalty period. DbD is a casual game, not some competitive esport. Punishing people with increasingly long penalties for leaving a match in a casual game is the dumbest shit.

  9. at least remove it for killers.
    as survivor, cheaters aren't DC-worthy. if the killer is cheating, you will all be killed in 5s anyways. if a teammate is cheating, you can still just rush gens yourself and get out fast if the cheater is a killer-bully cheater (like perma blind/perma stun), or you get out VERY fast if it is a genrush hacker.
    as killer, if you encounter a genrush hacker, you have lost in 5s anyways. if you encounter a hacker with perma stun… you're gonna get hold hostage.

  10. 2:49 I get what you're saying here, my only thing to be scared about is if the game glitches because of how broken DBD is, it'll ban you for something the game itself glitched. Like in this exact sample you chose, I had a glitch once where once the last gen finished and my adrenaline went off, the speed boost from adrenaline didn't wear off for the rest of the match (i let the killer kill me since he could barely even keep up with me while I was walking), even when I crouched I was fucking zooming and when I ran I was obviously uncatchable.

  11. Cheaters are only going to get worse. The more competitive the game gets, the more people want that mmr. Same thing happened to Rainbow Six Siege. Is infested with cheaters right now..

  12. Scott Jund: "Please try to get the hacker Problem under control"

    Also Scott Jund: "I don't bother with reporting hackers because it doesn't do anything."

    Scott you and your false information that you tell your thousands of viewers is part of why this Problem gets bigger.

  13. They can't even fix their own game. I'm not even talking about balance. I should know considering I play on console. I don't think they should remove the dc penalty, how about they do something for once

  14. I’ve literally just played a match where survivors cautiously been one tapping gens which I haven’t figured out till the last 3 gen I’ve been patrolling and the second I’ve turned around to go check another gen the one behind me just popped.
    Another match I’ve had a survivor which I couldn’t catch up to and ran me for 5 gens. Not because of his looping skills or perks. Just ran in straight line and even bloodlust didn’t help.
    DBD atm is an absolute sh1t show and unplayable.


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