Possible UAT Coming to Dead by Daylight and Will it Help?

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40 thoughts on “Possible UAT Coming to Dead by Daylight and Will it Help?”

  1. I have almost 1800 hours played this game on PC , I am tired of the incompetence , when the developer of this game got humiliated playing as a killer live tv , since then they side over the killers and the lack of common sense towards this game the unbalanced , me and my friends quit I am playing identity V for now.

  2. While I'm gonna be skeptical of how effective it is, this sounds like a great idea that would take some load off Behavior from a QA perspective and would HOPEFULLY make more quality content.

  3. If i remember anything about game dev correctly, the QA they do isn't on the same PS4/Xbone platform that the general public plays on. Developer Kits. This was something used to rationalize stuff for a different game. If these patches are able to be played by the general public on their consoles, it'd probably be easier to fix.

  4. Does anyone else just not give a fuck about this. Like past behavior shows they dont care, so this UAT shit probably wont do anything, i cant even play killer lol.

  5. I occasionally have issues on Xbox with killers that have charges associated with their power. I played Bubba once and the charges wouldn't come back until I got stunned. Same thing happened to me on Blight last night but breaking something would fix it too

  6. I’m a console player and honestly have no clue about those issues. My game has never frozen like that or really performed poorly and I’m on the default graphics settings. I dont even have Series X or PS5, just Xbox One X and on occasion there’s some bad stuttering or servers can be shitty but overall I’m fine. I feel bad for the people this is happening too and I’ve seen plenty of examples, so hopefully ot changes and makes it better for them. I guess I just have the strongest One X known to man lol.

  7. "Last Gen consoles get 5 FPS with this update."
    "so… here's an idea we had. What if… we nerfed Pig? Would that help the framerate?"
    "…No? Why would that help? WHY WOULD THAT EVER HELP?"
    "Yeah, but we could totally nerf her."
    "I mean you could. But it wouldn't help."
    "So what you're saying is, it couldn't hurt to try?"

  8. You mean to tell me they've never playtested anything before???? after 5 years of development after full release?? That might explain what happened with the Twins' release ig,

  9. Hi Scott, I had an idea that I’ve seen no one else talk about recently so I wanted your thoughts. I’m no Dbd analyst, but I personally am not a huge fan of the direction the game has been moving toward in terms of perks as most people only use a selected 15 perks or so. To me, a perk should be something that assists you in a minor way while you’re in a cinch to make your job easier.
    The thing is, it honestly feels like so many perks just do your job for you and instantly make you a better player or add more value to your team just by those perks existing, such as dead hard or old DS. It feels a large segment of the gameplay has become more and more reliant on your build, and less so your technical ability or fundamental understanding of the game. What are your thoughts?

  10. On my old Xbox, Xbox One S, DBD was basically unplayable. Doctor’s shocks caused the entire match to lag, as well as dead hard and a sloppy butcher hit. On my new Xbox, Xbox Series S, this problem is completely fixed and the game is very smooth.

  11. @Scott Jund A ps4 pro player claimt on the dbd forum that he accidentally fixed the issue about the freezes,lag etc. He told he bought a sata to usb 3 cable to plug on his external SSD and see if there is any difference and it worked. There was no freezes and lags anymore. He also found that the current console HDD is the issue that causes the freezes, lags etc. The devs are investigating the HDD issue of console. You can find that ps4 pro guy on dbd forum in the categorie optimazation > "I ACCIDENTALLY FIXED DBD OPTIMISATION ON PS4 PRO" If devs still cant fix the game for console in the upcoming time buy that cable and you can play dbd normal again. I saw also a original xbox guy posting on his forum that his freezes, lags etc are also fixed.

  12. Honestly, I wish there was some specific company that does something akin to UTA but way more in-depth, and they force themselves into the gaming companies. Like a goverment control thing. Imagine the quality of games we'd get if studios like BHVR got pressured by an actual authority into fixing their game because it's so bad and anti-consumer at this point.
    Obviously that's never gonna happen, but god damn I wish it did.

  13. Anakin/Padme meme
    BHVR: We're introducing UAT in several patches
    Players: So you're going to listen to feedback and fix your game?
    Players: so you're going to listen to feedback and fix your game, right?

  14. I played a few games with every Killer on the old Xbox One and here is the list of Killers whose powers lag when I play them:

    Major Lag:


    Minor Lag/Lag Spikes:


    •Little to No Lag:



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