POV: The DC Penalty is Disabled in Dead by Daylight

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I’m honestly not a big fan of the DC Penalty myself, but when people find out it’s disabled- boy it’s an interesting time.

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32 thoughts on “POV: The DC Penalty is Disabled in Dead by Daylight”

  1. Loaded into a game with the killer playing pyramid head, one person went down and DCed (twitch streamer lol), so then they tried to run him around a bit, the other twitchie gets downed and DCed instantly, so then the one other guy DCed so it was just me and the pyramid head. He looked at me, shook side to side, I gave him my toolbox and then found the hatch.

    This exact scenario has happened so many times now, I'm always the last person left. The part I find the most frustrating is most of the time the killer brought iri add ons so thanks to these guys they don't even get to use them and their add ons get wasted.

  2. I hate it man x.x. It wasn't exactly easy because I'm new and terrible at the game, but it feels almost impossible to progress my rank. When this happens I have to hope the killer takes pity on me and even then I'm just farming along side the killer for 10 min to preserve pips as opposed to increasing them.

  3. I think the worst part about the dc penalty removal is how often my team would 100% win the game if they guy didn’t leave. Like we have 2-3 gens done when he goes down but just dcs as soon as he’s downed the first time and now it’s a 3v1 with 2-3 gens left. I honestly don’t even get why you would dc at that point.

  4. I played a game as Nemesis where a Feng was looping very well against me and by the time I finally downed her I already lost two gens, but she immediately DC’ed. if she had simply stayed in the game I definitely would’ve lost, but her DC made the rest of the match easy

  5. How people react when the dc penalty is off:

    "Oh? We're not absolutely destroying our opponent? There's a chance I might have to try this game? NOPE! I'm gone. F*ck that!"

  6. Some people: " People DC because the killers are toxic and they camp and tunnel!!"
    When I play killer and all I did was down someone for the first time, they still quit. I try my best to be fair, though sometimes when I need to I'll play a bit dirty. But like 90% of the time I'm fair. Like 4 gens got done so quickly and I got no hooks. I didn't throw a fit and quit, I decided to let the survivors go since it was clear as day I wasn't gonna win this. The survivors let me get a few hits in before they left. I noticed most of the entitlement comes from survivors. This is from someone who plays both sides. Like as soon as they go against a killer they don't like, they dc, selfishly leaving their other teammates to do the 5 gens by themselves. As a survivor, when people do that, it's annoying as hell. I do think there should be punishment for dcing. I just wish it would only punish those who do it on purpose.

  7. See, this confuses me. You see people asking for the DC removal penalty for hackers, but now that we have the DC removal penalty gone, everyone is complaining. I'm not specifically talking about the video, more or less the comments and other videos I've seen.


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