PREDATOR in Dead by Daylight: The Potential and Problems

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Let’s talk about Evil Dead: The Game and the impact left on the game by the franchise trend-setter and horror comedy masterpiece Evil Dead 2! We’ll be talking about weapons, the three Survivors it brought to the game as well as everyone’s favourite flatulent Deadite, Henrietta Knowby!

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00:00 Intro (and Leaks)
03:23 The Birth of the Action Movie
05:27 What Is A Yautja?
07:35 A Legacy of Hunters
11:31 Sponsor: Morgan & Morgan
12:31 Prey is a Masterpiece
19:41 Power and Perks
24:32 Conclusion
27:29 Outro


35 thoughts on “PREDATOR in Dead by Daylight: The Potential and Problems”

  1. This is how I would want a the predator to play. Think of it like a AC-130 from cod. You shoot the small canons then switch to the bigger one and then the biggest one. We can do that with the predator his power cycles and could be said that it is charging that ability. So cloak, cooldown it automatically switch’s to the shoulder cannon, cooldown again then maybe cycles to a super sprint idk. This is how I would see the power and the addons can be like cloak longer, short shoulder cannon cooldown, or like 2 cloaks in rotation or etc.

  2. Where do you get that Xenomorohs are mindless? They are far from that. That are quite intelligent and learn very quickly. They share a hive mind but they aren’t just mindless killing machines. They use intelligence to track and corner prey. They drone especially is one of the smartest xenos among a hive as they not only have to bring bodies back to the hive but also defend it from intruders. Xenomorohs also have a have a hierarchy which show intelligence. The royal caste of Xenomorphs show human level intelligence and awareness. Drones don’t even need a Queen to be fully efficient either as they learn how to hunt and survive on their own and some even able to become a Queen if no Queen is present.

  3. While I disagree on prey being the best predator movie (I found it kinda mediocre) I do agree Naru would be the best choice by far to come into dbd along with whatever predator they choose as killer

  4. For the horror part, the Predator franchise, the first and the last movies specifically, are far more horror than action
    Like Aliens, it uses the big macho man with guns as a distraction, to then show how quickly these men crumble when no longer in control, being picked off one by one, essentially turning into a slasher. It fits into horror just fine, but the horror is more of the twist than the main advertised point

    As for the chapter being a Prey chapter.
    I disagree, Arnold is more than willing to lend his likeness and voice to Predator games as seen with Hunting Grounds from 2020, a game which even had a original present version of him, with collectable lore behind it and everything, Naru would also work as a survivor and I genuinely don't see why we can't have both at once, licensed chapters with multiple survivors from different installments of the franchise have happened twice now.
    As for the base power being based off Feral, I disagree, the base power should be based on JH, instead of 3 shots make it have chargeble shots that consume the power gauge, which can have AOE effects that can damage multiple survivors and damage objects such as pallets, walls and even gens. That doesn't mean the speargun idea should go to waste, it would work fine as a red Addon for the power, another red addon could tackle the disc or even the spear.
    For the other parts of the power, I genuinely think Predator would benefit from BHVR introducing a third power button, because the Pred should be able to use his blades while cloaked, and use his heat vision while uncloaked
    For the Predator itself, the best option would be no Feral, but no Jungle Hunter either, the Predator IP always allows games to make their own Pred ocs if they want to, just look at the AvP games or the solo Predator games! A Bhvr Predator OC would work great, even being able to be a Bad Blood, explaining why he willingly hunts unarmed prey

    I noticed you didn't choose a Map, I'd frankly go with the Jungles of Val Verde from the first Movie, we don't have a tropical map yet

  5. Gotta say alien 3 is my favorite alien movie( not the theatrical cut that shit sucks I'm talking about the assembly cut Which is closest to David Fincher's vision of the film) and the setting on alien 3 would make a great map for an alien chapter

  6. Honestly agree about Prey, I watched it recently and it was great. Thanks for clarifying how considerate the producers were of that indigenous tribe, makes the movie even more better.💯❤️🫶🏽 It’s newer, it’s diverse, and suspenseful. Plus, if DBD did ever want a Terminator chapter, it would conflict and not make sense.

  7. What i do love about the idea of adepting prey into dbd is that the predator in that movie is a bit more primitive
    My main problem with any other predator is there futuristic tech, because how would you adept a plasma caster in dbd
    It would be hard for any of that future tech to be implemented except maybe for the net, the claw thing (yes i know you said the name in this video but i forgot) and the invisibility

  8. Liked for the comedy of me being convinced to avoid the prey spoilers, pixel saying to look at the onscreen timestamp to avoid them, me internally saying "where's the fuckin time stamp dude?" and then the video chapter name for the spoiler part being "LOL, IT'S NOT ON THE SCREEN"

  9. I love this vid but the Goliath versus Goliath point is so piss poor at this point. Leon literally parries CHAINSAWS with KNIVES. Meanwhile Amanda (pig) struggles with most of her kills that isn’t her A.1 using a gun or B.2 putting someone into a trap. Most survivors in the game could probably beat her ass. Especially if they group up on her.😭😂

  10. I am really mad For Honor didn't work with dbd to recreate a better chapter with our beloved Shugoki, peacekeeper and Valkerie along with the posterboy/girl/knight The Warden

  11. Naru as a survivor would be cool, becoming the game's first Native American character. That would make people who are of Native descent probably happy. I hope this didn't offend anyone in the comments who are of Native descent, if i did, I apologize! 😖😣😖😣

  12. Hey Pixel, Great content as ALWAYS (Huge fan)!!! I’ve been absolutely loving this Potential & Problems series you’ve been doing for possible DBD content and while you already have Friday as your next part of this series I think one that would be really cool for you to do would be the Dead Space franchise. Of course this choice is up to you and you alone but I think making an episode about gamings BEST SCFI Horror game franchise and it’s potential in DBD (especially now with the release of the AMAZING REMAKE) would be a really cool idea. (Thank you and keep up the wonderful content)

  13. I rarely categorically agree with Wishlist builds/powers for desired chapters, but I LOVE the powers and perks you are proposing as well as why the Prey installment fits best.

    As an aside: Totally sorry I missed your doing commentary for Carni's DbD Tourney. Was looking forward to it and my day got away from me.


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