Prestige 400 Game. At least I got the worst Wraith Map in the Game – Dead by Daylight

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38 thoughts on “Prestige 400 Game. At least I got the worst Wraith Map in the Game – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Thank you for posting this match that showcases how toxic genrushing p400 bully squad swfs are ruining this game, every killer match I play in my top 0,01% mmr is against these kind of survivors and I'm sick and tired of pretending everything is fine, I'm practically forced to tunnel as Nurse because otherwise there's no way to have fun in this game. /s

  2. Scott playing in Borgo as a Wraith: He plays fair and even tho it's a hard match he gets a 1k
    Me, a Survivor, playing in Borgo against a Wraith: All my teammates are dead in a minute or less, like, bruhhhhhhhh

  3. I played these four earlier today as legion on midwich, got teabagged by the nea and then got a PepeLaugh enduring double hit after her adrenaline popped. they were the most fun I had in dbd

  4. Love your content just gotta say though did you just say “abuse a Z wall” that’s btw at the edge of the map?? 😂 what?? Dude what abuse can he do he just vaulted barely in time, maybe lithe I’m not sure but that’s really not abusing or even an abusable spot 😂 keep up the good content and plays 🙏🏻

  5. That Nancy is a huge POS. He pub stomps with his SWF then comes to the streamers chat and then gets the rest of his comp wannabe buddies to do the exact same thing. I versed them on my very first time playing Dredge since it was a viewer request and they teabagged me at the end after I played fairly complaining about my only slowdown being Deadlock. Then I faced him as Wesker and he got so mad I clipped him with a flick and he died that he sent 3 people to my chat just to spam. I asked them for a scrim so we could play a couple fair matches but they always declined. It's pretty funny. Haven't played killer in a hot minute but I'm sure when I do, I'll get them again eventually though.

  6. Why BHVR decided to make the challenge tab pop up automatically after every match rather than only when the player interacts with it, and on top of that, made it cover the entire chat box AND not have a way to make it go away manually but instead force it on-screen for like ten seconds is just another design decision that confirms they hate their players, to me. They make decisions that are deliberately un-quality of life.

  7. Why are killers still griping about killer mechanics. Why do killers STILL bellyache about survivors being op when lightburn has been removed, Dead hard is useless Self heals are destroyed, solo que is a messiest it's ever been. Devs should remove swf and focus on solo que if survivors are still "So powerful" jesus christ. Bad enough killers can camp and tunnel with little to no repercussions in solo que because nobody can communicate.

  8. Okay we all know if you really wanted you would have gotten a 3-4k with that hook spread. Wraith basically A tier now and I love it

  9. Amazing that these guys play so 'nice' but I've never met a p100 that doesn't spam vault at the gate until you watch them leave before spamming chat with 'ez'


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