Protecting My Teammates Challenge – Dead By Daylight DBD

Read more Dead by Daylight โžœ

So recently I ask my viewers for challenge suggestions. And someone suggested to do the โ€œprotect the presidentโ€ challenge. So for today will be protecting one specific teammate and pray that they escape. I hope you enjoy my funny DBD moments and gameplay.
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Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.
Funny survivor moments in Dead by Daylight of trolling killers while looping killers and flashlight blinding killers to escape. And using the best Survivor perks and a flashlight. Looping and Juking killers.

#DbD #Survivor #Deadbydaylight


22 thoughts on “Protecting My Teammates Challenge – Dead By Daylight DBD”

  1. One out of ten ain't bad. Good job protectin peeps. One challenge that I know is probably silly and extremely difficult is to get all four Survivors out through the hatch. Prolly a bad challenge, but I can't think of anything else off hand.

  2. Yo so I saw this I want your opinion if you gave mikey from Tokyo revengers 100 years in the dragon balls super universe and he mastered (idk the name but mui focuses defence and vegeta took path of destroyer so he has an attacker form) if he had this attack form+mikeys kicks could he beat goku or no?

  3. Bodyguard Bill Challenge
    Each time a survivor is hooked, you must be their bodyguard until they are fully healed (if someone is else is also on a hook or just got hooked after the save), or another person is hooked, even if it means death. (You still have to bodyguard the ones you donโ€™t unhook) failing 2 bodyguards will result in a loss, you are allowed one slip up as long as they arenโ€™t killed on hook from said slip up.


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