Pure EVIL Myers Build… – Dead By Daylight

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Simply and purely… Evil.
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28 thoughts on “Pure EVIL Myers Build… – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Hey Stalky, not long ago actually dabbled in a terror radius build and I ran, Distressing, Infectious Fright, Monitor and abuse, and Dark Devotion or an extra perk depending on how I was feeling (Usually Deadlock) and for addon's I would run the Dead rabbit, J Myers memorial or the memorial flower add-on.

  2. Thana slowdown is 2% per injured, dying, or hooked survivors. You get a 12% bonus if all 4 survivors are in the injured, dying, or hooked states.

    If someone dies you permanently lose the 12% bonus and get a max slowdown of 2% per survivor.

  3. I've been maining Myers since I got the game like… 5 months ago or so?
    I love the variety of builds you run! I've been using Coupe (since it finally showed up in the store!) With Lethal Pursuer, Bitter Murmur, and NOED/No Way Out to create unique situations where I capitalize off of playing catch-up significantly well.

    Lethal gives me a tier 2 target and a hit, then the 1st gen done gives me a tier 3 target/first down usually.
    Then you just get better and better downs with Coup and if they FINALLY finished all the gens… Every one is shown for 12 seconds, and based on which end game perk I have I can then feel out my options.

  4. This is outright a build that makes survivors make tough choices. As survivor if at least one of them don't heal back up, Thana is going to cost them dearly. But then again T3 Myers can just one-shot the fully healed survivor.

  5. In that first game, when you decided not to hook Meg for someone closer to death, that wasn't the best if you wanted to extend thana value.
    Let me explain, but first, your misconception about thana and dead survs is incorrect. Thana only gets stacks for each injured, down, or dying surv, not dead. Hooking Feng left 3 survs to do anything but got a surv to hook stage 2. Hooking Meg instead would have put a surv on hook stage 1 and still left 3 survs to work on gens, with the benefit of extending thana for later in the game.
    Neither choice was truly wrong there, just depends on what you value the most.


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