The ALIEN Chapter (Dead By Daylight)

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In this video we take a look at WheatDraws and Rarithlynx’s vision for a potential Dead By Daylight ALIEN Chapter. Check both of them out PLEASE here:

WheatDraws Twitter –
Rarithlynx’s video –

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Some imagery including perk, items, addons and killer images were taken from the DBD Fandom Wiki used here under their Fair Use clause.


0:00 Intro
1:13 Chapter 20 Intro
1:26 Map Effects
1:53 The Xenomorph
3:12 New Perks
4:06 Conclusion
4:21 Outro


44 thoughts on “The ALIEN Chapter (Dead By Daylight)”

  1. I was ready to comment on how cringe "concepts" are for speculative killers but this is so fleshed and polished and makes it look better than the actual game that it puts the real game to shame

  2. The hex perk is horrible and very gimmicky and the other two perks are completely broken or at least very useful, the vaulting one combined with bamboozle can confuse survivors very easily and the other one is: A, a better version of the other perk and B just a complete annoyance and it'd remove the purpose of a couple other perks. (I'm a killer main as well although not the best do I enjoy playing killer more then survivor)

  3. Just imagine at night your chilling playing by yourself and all of a sudden a damn alien pops out of nowhere due to dark devotion and you couldn’t see them due to the bloody think fog everywhere and oh no I’ve s**t my pants -_-(it’s a great idea though)

  4. My ideas for a alien power is that he could change his stance to a crawl, Making him move faster and has no terror radius. When in the crawl state the alien cannot attack but can stalk. Once his stalk is full he can either (when in crawl) pounce a survivor making them bleed and hitting them repeatedly till the survivor gets the alien off of them or the alien eventually downing the survivor by making them bleed out. While in his standing stance (with full stalk) he can shoot out his tail making the survivor bleed and taking away one health state. After he uses any one of those abilities it will give him a cool down till he can stalk again AND making it so his terror radius isn't gone when crawling.

  5. I want an Alien chapter too. But I want The Thing chapter the most. Imagine the killer could replicate survivors he hits before and they got all paranoid about who maybe the killer.

  6. I feel like the Xenomorph's power just is a buffed Legion.
    To fix this, you need to add something unique. For example, it could have a pounce attack (Different to Victor's). If it hurts a survivor, nothing much happens, but if it downs them, there is a small animation playing. Also, I don't know whether or not this happens, but hitting the same person twice and downing them is not great balance wise.
    So instead or running and scratching, it could be running and jumping on a survivor (and a lunge that would be very high, allowing you to see in a very small radius over objects such as rocks or crates).

    The first perk can be pretty decent when mixed with speed or vaulting perks, such as yes, bamboozle.
    His second perk, Isolating dread, could be absolutely horrible (OP), as it would prevent a lot of looping for low experienced players (and will involve a TON of mistakes even for experienced). I feel like IT IS Beast of Prey on Steroids. To nerf it, there could be a time limit. For example: Gain the Undetectable status for 25s upon entering a chase. The survivors are affected by the Blindness and Deaf Status.
    The third perk is ehhhhhhh, but can actually be at least ok with once again you said it, say Mirror Myers.
    What are your opinions on this?

    But yeah, it looks amazing, and the perks art is also really good. No blame on that.

  7. Perks are cool, I think the 2nd one is unfair for Windows of Opportunity, and the power seems like a weird mix between legion (run fast and hit many people) blight (replace walls with survivors) and oni ( SLUG THEM ALL )


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