Rage Quitting Vs Weakest Killer in Dead by Daylight

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They are rage quitting against one of the weakest killers in dbd

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #funny #silly #ragequit

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25 thoughts on “Rage Quitting Vs Weakest Killer in Dead by Daylight”

  1. i love how behaviour released sadako with great ideas but extremely poor execution. then right after dredge came out which is basically sadako on steroids. feels like a big middle finger to ring fans

  2. Ringu is actually one of the strongest killers in the game if you use her correctly. Condemn survivors more and you’ll see. I got a 4k condemning survivor match took 5 minutes. Just keep teleporting around the map

  3. How is sadako a bad killer? She is so fun to play. Her only real weakness was dead hard but now its gone. The weakest killer in the game is probably legion

  4. 7:00 – I know it may seem a lot to someone who doesn't play Onryo much, but really you haven't condemned then much at all. There were a few situations where you should have teleported to a TV while chasing them, giving them stacks while they are stuck running for their lives. If you play her only as an M1 killer then yes she's terrible, and honestly even her condemned needs something else in it, but you weren't playing her the best in this game.

    Edit: You can see the results of teleporting mid chase by the end chase with David. When you have multiple survivors up still you'll usually hit more than one when following them, and you keep the TVs off so the survivors can't grab a tape while you're occupied. Eventually everyone is close to condemned, or at least one person, and the game begins to slow down once tapes are being grabbed.

  5. I never understood why people say some killers are the weakest in the game honestly playing as a killer is more the person playing as it. I think any killer is viable depending if you know what you're doing.

  6. Ex Sadako main who wanted to push her to the limits… she’s only viable in high MMR with the pink add on that turns TVs back on after manifesting and a hit. Nothing else on her kit or any perks you run matter nearly as much. And that’s a huge problem. Messed with all combinations of longer invisible phasing at loops, TV CDs, Manifest Scream+Hinder. Anti Gens and Anti Pallets. Nothing as effective.
    I expect next mid chapter she’ll get a minor buff where they don’t do anything beneficial but somehow take away the pink addon’s strength.

  7. runs the most boring build in the game, camps, and tunnels

    “sUrViVoRs RaGe QuIt Vs WeAkEsT kIlLeR”

    Yeah. No shit they quit. Who in their right mind wouldn’t take the 5 minute penalty over playing such an awful match?

    I understand that you were doing top mmr competitive type gameplay, but nobody wants to sweat that bad outside of comp teams.

  8. I wish she would work more like Dredge where her condemn on a survivor builds when she hits someone. She should also lose her TR and red stain when someone is fully condemned. Compared to Dredge, she has to work harder to become a threat and she just isn’t as scary unless she has her add-ons. Her perks on Dredge would work better than Dredge’s perks on her due to her base kit not really hindering survivors. There’s not a good reason to choose her over him (it?) at the moment.

  9. Unless the match is very short.. I have been able to get 1 condemned kill as a average. 2 or more if its chill survivors and I use that to my advantage for getting more condemned kills lol. You have to be more constant, and consistent with the teleports if you want to do it. Keep in mind the 2 or more is mostly when using a build for it. Otherwise its I tend to get 1 and only 1. Its very rare to get more than that without a proper build for it.


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