Raging Streamer Bans Me After Losing! – Dead By Daylight

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Those who always blame their failures on others, will never get better….

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44 thoughts on “Raging Streamer Bans Me After Losing! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Wth bruh, during a match, I get so focused in the game, stream sniping would actually be a detriment most of the time. Regardless, I tend to hop on people's streams after the match has ended, lest I get wrongly accused

  2. He…he knows survivors have third person cameras right? And that wall is one of the longest loops in the game?
    Who watches people like this on stream? Not meaning to attack the guy, but i've seen toddlers handle things with more composure.

  3. Im a pretty big rager in this game, watching these videos just reminds how stupid I look blaming everything that goes wrong on "hacks, cheaters, etc." instead of saying, "uups I messed up"

    Gotta learn to relax, take a loss and move on to the next game.

    Anyway fun vid, keep up the good work!

  4. I understand the temptation to show his next game because it was a goldmine, but it does conflict with your message/ethos of not harassing people and being a good person. Just let it end with your involvement with him. Anything beyond that feels a little hypocritical of you. Either way, I’m glad I found your channel and I’ve enjoyed your content.

  5. Holy fuck, how angry can one person be?!

    This guy saying the killer camps is so ignorant, he literally ran around the hook leaving plenty of suspicion to be found and then get's pissed that the killer looks for him

    He wants a chill game? Then don't get mad at getting downed lmao

  6. Does he not realize his red light was showing every time, and survivors have 3rd person? Like he was playing survivor not too long ago, this should be basic knowledge right?

  7. People like this need to stop playing the game for a little bit, stream be damned. It's not worth the mental health damage to subject yourself to this level of intense fury so consistently. Everyone gets heated now and then, but if it's consistent you need to take a step back.

  8. Had the same exact thing happen to me a ps4 streamer thinking I'm stream sniping her finds me in her chat and bans me and calls me trash and all that. Dbd streamers like this and others can be so vulgar and it's disgusting for a community that's already so toxic🤧🤕🤒

  9. > sees Jake running towards the hook
    > loses him for a split second, but knows he can't have gone far
    > finds him sitting inside a bush

    bruh moment

  10. At this point I like that alot streamers dont put their streamer name in their gamer tag. Like it isnt bad they do but it invites unwanted attention from other attention wanters

  11. Lol I enjoyed this, as a fellow content creator, this is a good lesson of how not to be. Kind of embarrassing he'd act like that on stream in front of everyone!

  12. Too damn funny the rage quit he gave.

    To be honest, if you're intentionally streaming with your channel tag as your name, expect actual players to exploit that weakness.

    Edit: Also what do devs have to do with people streaming live?

  13. You have o stop going to your opponents' live streams and telling them you're their killer. You can't be mad if they think you're going to stream snipe them when you do that.

  14. I would say this videos kind of punching down, bc he's obviously a really small streamer, but you blurred out his name so maybe he'll watch this at some point and gain some self awareness and improve both his game and stream. I used to rage all the time when I streamed this game, now that I dont stream it, I have more fun.


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