Rancor Challenge Round 7: THIS TIME WE'RE SRS | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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39 thoughts on “Rancor Challenge Round 7: THIS TIME WE'RE SRS | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. Maybe Legion or Wraith could work … you dont have as quick of a mori but u have an addon that tells u the gen progress which can be handy to get an obsession when the end game starts … and lets be honest who can resist stunning a feral frenzy legion or wraith in stealth

  2. My heart split at the deadhard-prethrow on that last match. To be fair Bill looks like he couldn't find a pallet to use even with Windows of Opportunity, so probably a lost cause anyway

  3. I feel like maybe this same build but with plague would be good cause you could keep them injured into the endgame and if they cleanse you can pick up the red puke and force them to stun you out of your power or die to the red puke immediately

  4. Tofu…. in that last game if you picked up and let them wiggle off that counts as a stun so you can mori them…. You don't 100% need pallets in endgame you just need to act boosted at the end and pretend you can't find a hook so they wiggle off.
    Just slug the last two, let one wiggle off, mori them, and then pick up the other and repeat.

  5. Okay Tofu Ima save you some pain here and keep your challenge fun. With Pig, its going to be near impossible because you dont have the real means to make obsessions fear that power until they activate those gens. They think they're okay, just wasting your time and wasting the game away.

    In your games I saw that people tend to go for the traps and take them off quick. But there might be a better way to get your Rancor 4 kills. You should go with: Rancor, Nemesis, Furtive Chase, and no way out

    For add-ons you might wanna go with Face Mask and Amanda's Secret.

    This is obvious, but the reason behind it is that Nemesis is to 'obvious' of a perk and can sometimes backfire when in your games you can be called out for it. Furtive Chase makes it better for you as you need to focus on the obsession like you have before, but now you can use furtive chase to lower your TR. Why? Because with Pig, the counter pauses mid chase, so they would have to stay within your terror radius to not be killed. Likely they 'have' to be close. Face mask makes it it to where the 'obsession' cant see your aura, making Rancor harder to make obvious since they are the only ones who can see you. Amanda's secret is just so you have a spare one for later. With Rancor, it doesn't matter how many hooks you have by the end, so it might be possible to try out two other build ideas, but they revolve around a different idea:

    Rancor, Nemesis, Blood Warden, and Zanshin Tactics
    or; Rancor, Nemesis, Hex: Devour Hope, and Light born

  6. Finally Tofu realizes he's tipped his hand too much with Rancor + Nemesis. Revealing the combo too early screws you royally. Once they know what you're doing, they can counter it by pre-dropping pallets, foregoing flashlights, and actively trying not to activate Nemesis at all costs.

  7. I think this is doable. You're not taking into account (or maybe you are but decided they are not worth pursuing) other ways to make survivors do what you need them to do, like forcing DS during the trial to change obsessions, without revealing too much, and even incorporate that to set up slugs for the endgame. Again, they might not run DS, but still worth to plan around it.

  8. I've got unpopular preposal. Bring ebony mori with u, and whenever u have a person which refuses to become obsession – mori them instead. Yeah, it's not quite "4 rancor kill", but mori requers 2 hooks on the person, so it's quite justified, I think
    Alternative – try another killer. Those beartraps does not do the work often, so maybe u will prefer killer with more mobility or chase potential (Billy, Legion, Twins maybe, idk)

  9. Because of a lot of the things you said in this video, you might benefit from dropping Pig and taking a killer who hides their aura like Wraith or Meyers, it won't dissuade people from doing gens to get to late game and you can better hide Rancor with it. Idk food for thought.

  10. Yo tofu, on top of hiding Nemesis, I really think you need to hide your Pig skin. it seems like a lot of people know that this challenge exists, so maybe another pig skin will trick them into thinking it's just another regular pig.

    also, I'm not sure how helpful it could be, but maybe Face Mask could be nice. It could hide rancor in those situations where you don't know where the obsession is, and they do everything they can to try and avoid you by seeing where your aura is

  11. I say you drop remember me and no way out for Bitter Murmur and NOED.

    You dont need hooks, just to make it to end game. Then you will know where everyone is at and you can drop them in one hit. Just play as normal up to that point and keep them trapped up. Let them finish the gens without losing too many pallets and then go HAM when its over.

  12. So, this is just a curious thought. Would it work with deathslinger? My thought is like, pooning a survivor and having them break the chain, and it stuns. Or does a chain break not count as a stun to proc nemesis?


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