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== F.A.Q ==
My Character’s Fan Art
My Streaming Gear
Who is the blue hair girl?
My Intro Song – Aests – FIGHT!
My Outro Song – Watchy
Huh i made it here fast. Let's watch.
Ayo let’s go 😎
It’s always nice to catch a vid of Jaee after a while, keep up the superb work man! ♥️
discord noti gang 🐀
Yo Jaee, trickster has a lullaby eh? So Moniter works but keen surv can hear his faint lullaby
I don't want this to happen but, I think you need a break from DBD. You're not happy like months ago. You should take a break and come back to it in a few months or more. Love ya Jaee!!!!! And always great videos!!
That head on was the biggest crock of Shtinky I’ve ever seen
forget DBD(Depressed By Daylight) Favorite DC comics character??
I can't wait for my Plushie to show up!!
i watched 5 noob friends play kyf and i was like:WOW,THIS GAME LOOKS SO FUN,and then i watched an actual game….
i was the cheryl i’m sorry about that laggy ass head on even when playing this match i didn’t think that would do anything to you but ggs king 💕💕
When all the players who play killer leave this game for VHS survivor mains will be so hurt.
Tbh I rlly liked his content before it turned into 50% complaints and 50% talking abt vhs. funny personality but oh well </3
Jaee always gives kisses. When does Jaee get a kiss??
yknow id prefer a content creator being honest with themselves rather than making videos/streaming something that they hate just for views.
Why would anyone even want to play VHS!??
You can't even point at the Meg for missing a skill check
Dud it seems that youre in pain every time you play dbd i you dont enjoy it anymore take a rest from it i used to enjoy when you play dbd but now you sound like youre bored 🥺
I miss your streams you flapper peepoSad
I don't want you to suffer Jaee, but seeing this was therapeutic in a it's not just me kinda way.
Didnt he quit dbd?
i mean 3k is a win in my book
If you really hate the game, why do you keep streaming it?
the video are practically complaints that you hate the game and prefer VHS
it's a bit boring to watch after hearing the first 5 minutes of complaints
I don't mean it in a bad way
My god.. that Steve was stupid for trying the locker over and over.
its so sad to see your dbd videos lately, its cleary that you’re not happy anymore playing this shit, i understand, maybe you should focus on another game, i’m tired of dbd as well, behavior cant fix it 🤧
misleading title jae 🙁 thats not high mmr. not your fought tho they really should just have the number posted up. anyways cant wait for the VHS and Propnight content 😀 goodluck with that fam