Ranking EVERY Trailer Live! (Dead by Daylight)

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Today we’re going to be ranking all of the Dead by Daylight trailers LIVE!


6 thoughts on “Ranking EVERY Trailer Live! (Dead by Daylight)”

  1. This was a fantastic start to my day and it's great that you had fun making this! Happy Friday!
    1. My top 5 trailers are Halloween, Silent Hil, Saw, Lullaby for the Dark, and both RE chapters in this order. However, Alien may replace one of these in time. 👀
    2. I appreciate that you had an eye for detail even in the low ranked trailers. The DBD logo in Freddy's, the reveal of Hag's face, etc. Even Last Breath is creepy because of Nurse's shrieks. Frankly, I love every trailer for this game. 🥰
    3. If you look on YouTube, you can actually find an extended version of Leatherface's trailer. It will show him standing in the middle of a cornfield revving up his chainsaw. Let me know if you think it improves his rating or not.
    Thank you for doing this for us. ❤


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