Rat Liver is the Most Overrated Addon in Dead by Daylight

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49 thoughts on “Rat Liver is the Most Overrated Addon in Dead by Daylight”

  1. You made the same argument with 110 Killers vs 115 ms Killers. Yes on paper it doesnt make a difference. But play one game and YOU know the difference. Thats how I see it. You see this like a Dev. But you have to see it as a GAAAMEEER unironically 😐

  2. I don’t think it’s the rat liver that people are angry over, people are angry about how fine deaf BHVR is. The rat liver nerf is fine, it’s not that significant. But the principle behind behavior seeing the entire community say “we like rat liver, make it base kit.” And retorting with “Nerf it is!” Truly shows how utterly blind they are to feedback. It is necessary we be angry about this.

  3. Tbh, as someone who plays demo very well and often,
    I never felt like I needed this add on… why do you need the extra movement speed when holding of the abyss, if you could follow a survivor regularly and shred immediately when convenient.

  4. says rat liver shouldn't be base kit
    people complain
    proceeds to explain to them they glorify something that is almost entirely useless for almost 12 minuets

  5. I test demo and i feel the difference but he’s ok, he’s not more strong or weak
    (The cool down reduction addons feel good, having both shreds and pallets cool down reduce are my new favorite)

  6. Tin foil hat time, BHVR announced the change knowing they would get outrage and knowing they were going to revert the change and thus look like they listen to the community.

  7. the strength of rat liver imo is clutch situations of being able to threaten a point of interest with the lunge while you're rounding corners. there are many many instances where it's been the difference between getting the hit and the survivor making the vault/other corner

  8. Why do I feel like in terms of opinion, there's the entire DBD community on one side, and on the other it's just Scott? Feels like a constant thing. Not saying he's wrong, I actually agree.. but just noticed that.

  9. if u get looped around a palett u need rat liver so u can be a thread by holding ur power but dont loose any distance by doing so.
    if u dont have rat liver its basically a Legion in Frenzy at that point.
    considering Stbfl is his best perk its even more important to have rat liver available

  10. Feels kinda crazy seeing you ask a seemingly random question on Twitter and then have an in-depth analysis with in-game testing on the answer finished and uploaded like 2 hours later. I envy that kind of motivation.

    It's also pretty eye-opening to see just how little Rat Liver actually does. I think I, as well as most others, just get caught up in the numbers. A 9% increase in speed just sounds really good when we know that killers are usually only 10-15% faster than survivors, and moving faster than survivors with a brown add-on sounds so much better than moving slightly slower without it, even if it clearly isn't as demonstrably useful as we had thought. Rat Tail was still amazing, though. If only that was the add-on people were upset about enough to get reverted…

  11. I used rat liver and thank you for using Math to prove me right. I felt like there wasn't any noticeable difference when I used it vs when I didn't use it. I felt like it never helped my shreds.

    I still say for right now, the ones that I think (repeat, I think) are the best are the increase portal sealing time. Keeping survivors off gens longer, and allows you to respond in time to stop them from sealing, effectively wasting their time.

  12. It makes a fairly big difference at many looping locations. Shack is not one of those loops, but still, it really is a great add-on. It also just feels sooo much better to play with it. I personally find the speed difference to be very noticeable.

  13. I love and main demo and even though the Liver might be one of the better add-ons up to the Greens like Soda and Deer Lung, it's definitely overrated. Comfy and cheap is all; thank you for making this video lol

  14. Maybe the other demo addons are so shit that people started using the Brown addons which buff his shred, and then this whole placebo effect where “rat liver is god tier” started. In the end, as you said, there was no point on nerfing it and I’m glad they didn’t went through with this change

  15. Finally someone else who thinks the Add-on is overrated. I play Demo without it and do fine at almost all loops.

    BUT the new Black Heart & Barb's Glasses actually do something and are very good cheap Add-ons.


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