Rating all Chapters in DBD history

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In this video, my friend Cope and I discussed all of the chapters in Dead by Daylight’s history based on the impact they had on game both short and long term! This should be a really interesting watch for anyone that wasn’t around the release of many older chapters.

Check out Cope: @CopeisChill

0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:53 The Last Breath (Nurse)
0:05:17 Halloween (Myers)
0:07:26 Of Flesh and Mud (Hag)
0:10:20 Left Behind (Bill Overbeck)
0:12:27 Spark of Madness (Doctor)
0:14:30 A Lullaby for the Dark (Huntress)
0:18:22 Leatherface (Cannibal)
0:20:37 Nightmare on Elm Street (Freddy)
0:24:28 Saw (Pig)
0:28:49 Curtain Call (Clown)
0:33:31 Shattered Bloodline (Spirit)
0:38:11 Darkness Among Us (Legion)
0:42:47 Ash vs Evil Dead (Ash)
0:46:21 Demise of the Faithful (Plague)
0:51:01 Ghost Face (Ghostface)
0:54:50 Stranger Things (Demogorgon)
0:58:45 Cursed Legacy (Oni)
1:01:00 Chains of Hate (Deathslinger)
1:06:11 Silent Hill (Pyramid Head)
1:13:50 Descent Beyond (Blight)
1:18:25 A Binding of Kin (Twins)
1:24:56 All Kill (Trickster)
1:29:30 Resident Evil (Nemesis)
1:32:38 Hellraiser (Cenobite)
1:39:55 Hour of the Witch (Mikaela Reid)
1:47:49 Portrait of Murder (Artist)
2:01:29 Sadako Rising (Onryo)
2:06:42 Roots of Dread (Dredge)
2:16:59 Resident Evil: Project W (Wesker)
2:21:06 Forged in Fog (Knight)
2:28:39 Tools of Torment (Skull Merchant)
2:36:42 End Transmission (Singularity)
2:47:17 Nicolas Cage
2:50:02 Alien (Xenomorph)
2:56:19 Chucky (Good Guy)
3:00:03 Alan Wake
3:02:22 All Things Wicked (Unkown)
3:13:36 Conclusion & Personal Favorite Chapter?

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42 thoughts on “Rating all Chapters in DBD history”

  1. 999k subscribers!!! Nobody deserves 1 million quite like you otz. Your positive attitude and inclusiveness is greatly appreciated. Your reputation is 100% earned. Honestly you are a figure online unlike anything I've ever seen. I hope you know this otz <3

  2. He did NOT just say Chucky is the most disappointing chapter ever. Besides not having a map, which is a big missed opportunity, how can you not like Chucky? He’s a horror icon, he’s a strong and pretty balanced killer, he has great voicelines and great skins.

  3. Don't like that it wasn't mentioned how Huntress screwed over ranged killer design from that point onwards by being so simple. She's literally why killers like Clown and Trickster exists as worse versions of Huntress. You can't go anywhere but down from one throw = one damage.

  4. Very interesting video. I started late with the Dredge dlc and found Otz very quick. I somehow became a Twins main then. Something must have gone wrong 😉

  5. Midwich is not a copy of the original school level in Silent Hill, I’m sorry Otz. The original school was so much cooler in the PSX version. Konami forced BHVR to make a copy of the movie version of Midwich, which looks like it’s trying to hard to be edgy and cool. Same goes for Pyramid Head, who does not fit with Midwich because he was not in the first Silent Hill game. He was in 2, and should have stayed there.

    Sorry I’m an OG Silent Hill fan and had to become a purist based on how bad Konami butchered the franchise so they could make a few extra dollars.

    Edit: I am still mad at BHVR for many reasons, along with making PH clunky to play, I stopped playing him because they made his transition attack so horrible feeling. Somehow they thought that was ok. I was so excited for pyramid head though, then they ruined him. I still haven’t touched him since despite putting so much BP in him before the “fix”

  6. Why do the collabs with True and Cope feel so forced? I am getting zero synergy between each pair up. Great video, don't get me wrong, but something is rubbing me the wrong way. Anyone else feel the same?

  7. i feel like a lot contributed to the Alien chapter being disregarded, we just had 3 original killers in a row which everyone knows usually doesnt go well, especially with the disaster of knight and merchant one after another, survivors had just come off the gen kick meta and end transmission was not rlly popular, on top of that killers had to deal with mft too so a lot of the playerbase just felt super burnt out since the last 3 chapters had all had major issues for both sides and people just wanted a break. Such a shame too bc alien was such a huge license to get and obviously a lot of work went into it

  8. Forged In Fog is my favorite chapter by far and I agree that sadly there are just so many problems with him and the map that just makes it disappointing. I still love the Knight, I still enjoy playing as and against him, I just wish BHVR gave him the focus and attention he deserves because his chapter was truly beautiful and had potential to be the best original chapter <3

  9. "I think that saves the Leatherface chapter from disaster tier, unless you're remembering something I'm not…"

    oh, I think we all remember a certain disaster about release leatherface

  10. Personally, I would've swapped Alien and Chucky's placements. The hype for the Alien I found was almost non-existent because the community was still upset over the last two dlcs having something completely busted (Skull Merchant pre-rework and MFT). Chucky was what really turned heads.

  11. 1:51:50 Hay una leyenda en chile (país de la artista) que habla sobre el "Tue Tue", que se supone que era un brujo que se convierte en pájaro y por las noches va cantando y anunciando la muerte de quien se lo encuentre. A veces con mis amigos pensamos que habría sido genial que para la artista usaran ese concepto en lugar de simples cuervos, aunque tal vez behavior no tenía ganas de investigar

  12. Man, ok, sure, I've started playing since Saw too, but on console. And I'm sorry in advanced but there is no way on the face of GOD's green earth that the first RE chapter had great impact.

    It didn't just messed up console; it made people seriously consider that BHVR would just abandon PS4 and XONE because it was a broken to a point where we would rather prefer that it was a massive and very unprofissional troll than to belive that the devs played and whole heartdly aproved the update. There were people who, to this day, don't trust BHVR has any drop of goodwill to its consumers and left DBD period.

  13. You guys forgot about another cool thing about All Things Wicked. The Withered Isle realm now has 2 maps which means the pesky survivors who want to send you to Garden of Joy may not in fact succeed and the offering might actually hurt them instead.

  14. You guys forgot Survivors racing each other to get unhooks for the 200% bonus BPs from WGLF when David was released. And safe unhooks didn't exist, so Survivors were dive bombing the hook in the Killer's face because it was the only way to get meaningful BP in the game. It was ROUGH as a Survivor.

  15. I love artist, plague and huntress so much i can't put into words how much i love them but their maps oh my god why behaviour why?!! Also huntress perks need to changed cause what are those god awful perks.


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