REACTING To Why Are So Many Content Creators Quitting Dead by Daylight

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REACTING To Why Are So Many Content Creators Quitting Dead by Daylight from @CoconutRTS go show him some love.

#reaction #reactionvideo #CoconutRTS #tru3ta1ent #dbd #dead_by_daylight


28 thoughts on “REACTING To Why Are So Many Content Creators Quitting Dead by Daylight”

  1. This cancelation thing where coconut talked about how someone apparently played bad was cancelation. It might not have looked like it, but people were actually going after him for walking in front of someones flashlight. Might sound weird, that's because it is.

    Should be noted, that there's no one way of getting canceled, I've seen Tru3s Twitter and how bad people are going after him, it's way worse in comparison to Coconut, but it's still classifiable as canceling

  2. Content overall for dbd just isn’t there. The game is pretty simple and pretty repetitive. At this point I feel like you either love it or hate it. I personally still enjoy just as much as I did back then, but that’s because my friends finally started to play with me recently.

  3. lol, i watched coconut's video first, and after watching true's, I realize how many opinions slushie makes sound incorrect to me where the stuff she wanted to kept in the game, some of them just have no counter play and it's not even hard to do(e.g. light burn wraith ). However, I do understand(or at least feel like) slushie is more venting her feelings , rather than making an bullet proof argument.

  4. The major reason I stopped playing DbD after 7 years is that whether by design or not (probably not), every game wound up being exactly the same.
    Same perks, same strategies, same killers, same behavior from the player base…all these perks, all these killers, but the game forces you to have the same loadout and use the same handful of killers if you don't want to get completely stressed out or get stomped.
    I don't play a game to get stressed out or do the exact same thing ad-nauseum, I play games to have fun, and DbD ceased to provide that for me a long time ago.

  5. Tru is an absolute dbd sage, has been for years and the community has been catching up. I would want something like the suffer system so much more than "how many kills did i get?"

  6. Idk about Blight sliding. He still will be really opressive. Maybe it's a good thing they removed that. It's like adding for the Nurse a blink recharge which is needed to balance a very powerful killer

  7. On the SBMM argument about SBMM making meta perks more common is copium. The meta was established well before SBMM. I mean if one wants quick evidence watch Otz's old winstreak videos from before MMR. Not only is otz using meta or largely meta perks, so are almost every survivor otz was going against, often with him pointing out how during that time there was little to no perk variety. It mainly always being DS, unbreakable, DH, Iron will, Borrowed time (good reason for BT) I experienced this much myself.

  8. Fogwhisperers create some of my most watched DBD content but compared to other games i feel just the program existing is already recognition and something special. There are a lot of games that got famous because of streamers but they dont have special treatments for them.

  9. Started playing a little bit before Clown released, so like late 2018? When Paragon got shut down DBD became my new main multiplayer game. Played it almost daily till like 2021. Towards the tail end I played less and less and whenever I tried to play it just wasnt fun anymore.

    I waited for years for the xenomorph, and I was so excited to play but when the xeno dropped I played for like 2 hours and just didnt have a fun time. I had a great run with the game and I still watch many DBD content creators but for me personally the game just doesnt hook me in anymore, pun intended.

    The longer you play the easier it is to see the many issues with the game, the imbalance on both sides, the bugs, the lack of gameplay variation, the toxicity, it all starts to stack up.

    I was really hoping that many of the DBD killer games (Texas Chainsaw, VHS, Last Year, etc) would be successful enough to not only be great alternatives to DBD but to force BHVR to make some major improvements to DBD but all those games died.

    I would like to come back and enjoy the game again one day but I dont know what they could do to bring back that initial enjoyment I had.

  10. MMR is good for all pvp games, the issue comes with how is MMR decided. I'm still baffled DBD abandoned the great foundation they had of emblem system, all they had to do is tweak it a bit and messing with emblem system could force good player behaviors like more hooks = more points for the emblems or for the other side more survived = more points so survivors would attempt saves at endgame. The emblem system had every tool to balance the game out.

  11. I abandoned this game in 2019, despite rarely I watch Truetalent playing still for some curiosity about new killer or toxic people videos, but I can't understand how you guys still enjoy play this game.
    I'm just completely sick of this game and the community.

  12. If im not mistaken, noob3 was the first and only dbd streamer that hit 1m followers on his channel. He was insanely big.

    His editing was great. But he bailed on his channel after the 1m thank you vid.

    He came back and got a copyright strike and was devastated many of his vids got deleted. He made a vid about it and never came back.

    YouTube got strict. Pushed him away. Shame bc he was my first favorite dbd streamer.


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