Reassurance is Going to Completely Destroy Camping – Dead by Daylight

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Personally I wish this was more of a base mechanic of some kind, but the effect is extremely powerful, moreso than we thought.

#dbd #camping #reassurance #wesker


45 thoughts on “Reassurance is Going to Completely Destroy Camping – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I don't like camping. I hate it. I don't turn on dead by daylight to hook One Survivor and stare at them for 2 minutes. I love the chases. But only a fool would deny that camping is appropriate in certain situations. This makes it so that you must immediately leave no matter what. If you immediately leave and still can't find survivors because they're hiding well you still can't go back to that hook because if you do the timer is going to get frozen. This is a very good counter to camping with a very little risk from the survivor's part that will make it so that it's used even when it doesn't need to be. I can see this being used as a place saver, giving survivors immunity while being hooked. I can easily see this park being used on the weakest link of the team. So that they don't have to get off and get chased right away. The fact that this can be used to counter camping is great. The fact that it might be used when there is no camping is what worries me

  2. It will also remove the punishment survivors face for slamming gens and having no unhook urgency against killers who aren't even camping. Higher skilled survivors are already really adapt at leaving teammates on their first hook until literal milliseconds before hitting stage 2. If a killer wants to punish this play style the unhooking survivor usually has to trade so they don't go stage two. They won't have to anymore. They can keep that person safe on hook indefinitely even though no face camping or even proxying was involved in the first place. It doesn't require LoS so can be done through walls/floors/ceiling removing the danger of having to take a hit. Comes across as having their cake and eating too…multiple times.

    I feel (hope?) it will get changed in some capacity when BHVR sees a video of some one on first hook for 20 minutes.

  3. Worthless perk … Me using it might get us 5 free gens and then we get a free save and we all get 4 Million blood points (Theory) … I use it … Teammate kills himself on hook because ur only matched with people who bough the game a few min ago even if u have 30k hours … Now i only have 3 perk slots … (Practice)

  4. It's just sad that instead of making it so that survivors have more tools to actually work as a team and interact with the goddamn killer for once in order to deal with certain strategies, they just gave survivors another jpeg that does their team's work for them so their team can do the very interactive task of holding m1 really really far away. At least this needs 1 survivor to actually go to the hook, but the amount of pressure it removes is so drastic. I've mixed feelings about it tbh.

    But we'll see what happens… facecamping is bad so it's good that there's a good counter for it. Once again the survivor meta is 3+ second chances and the killer meta is 3+ slowdowns…this game is sad… at least wesker is cool i dunno…

  5. It’s so crazy that Rebecca’s perks are the most meta now like almost certainly. Like so many good players are gonna run Hyperfocus and Reassurance, she’s such an easy choice to main for survivor lmfao

  6. I'm more of a Killer main and I'm excited for this perk because I'm expecting it to become meta. And if it does, that just means that the survivors will have one wasted perk slot.

    People keep trying to come up with different complaints as to why it's gonna be a broken perk, and pretty much all of their arguments can be countered by simply not camping, and chasing other survivors. A survivor on a hook is a survivor that can't do anything. If their teammates decide not to unhook them when they aren't being camped, then that only benefits the killer.

  7. It is very strong but 2 things, killers can see white outline on hooked survivor when reassurance is used and will most likely start using Save The Best For Last so they can grab/down the one trying to spam the perk or save the guy. Also in SoloQ probably not everyone will have the perk so if you're the only one having then yeah killers can still camp.
    I wonder if the usage will get close to the old Borrowed Time where every 2nd or 3rd survivor had Borrowed Time equipped. But yeah as you say screw the campers as nothing is more boring than being on hook doing nothing.

  8. This perk should be nerf so much, it should be only a 1 time use per hook state per survivor who have it. This is way too strong and i'm neither a killer main or a survivor main by the way, even if i play survivor more often. I really really hope they will nerf it like i said, killer time is 4x more valuable than survivor time because its 1vs4, having a perk who make the killer loose so much time is balance breaking. It mean while killers try to defend a bit while playing correctly, the survivors gain a lot more time to do everything they want for the only price of a survivor being on the hook and at least one other running around and hiding to give him more time.

    This will just be abused and is by itself game breakingly overpowered.

  9. I think they should do what they did with BT make the perk base kit add 10 seconds with a 40 second cooldown and make the perk add 10/15/20 seconds to the duration.

  10. It's cool but JUST like off the record it extends past it's intended gimmick of a "tunnel / camp" stopper. Someone really bad can try to unhook in front of my face without giving me time to even leave, pop reassurance, and even tho I'm not camping, the other 2 survivors just have a free 30 seconds to do whatever the hell they want completely removing any pressure I had of having one person on stage 2 in a minute and one person in a chase.

    And if the person being chased is good enough they can literally RUN BACK and just pop reassurance again, because the cooldown starts immediately.

    I'm all for tunneling / camping stopper perks for survivors but good god, they never make them right and it always extends past tunneling and camp stopping.

  11. Afraid it's gonna be nerfed mostly because you can pretty much hold person in the game hostage with that. But let's hope it stays as a solid anti camp perk.

  12. It makes every 10s normaly on a hook take 40s. For 2 hook states its normaly 12 10s intervals that now turn into 40s intervals resulting in 480 s. That 8 min on hook if chained perfectly so adding 6 min to the hook time, 2 people running this should have no problem making a person lasing almost infinatly on hook (in theory they could).

  13. Knowing BHVR they'll most likely nerf this perk pretty good before it's released. The only nerfs I would be okay with is Reassurance being disabled in end game and/or have the perk's effects disappear if the user gets too far away from the perk and activating the cooldown.
    I would love to try this out on Solo Queue as that role is ass without a friend.
    If they butcher this perk though I won't be surprised, it'll be another classic BHVR moment

  14. >worst case scenario
    >2 other teammates doing gens
    2 other teammates sitting in the corner of the map because they are afraid to be camped, thats worst case scenario

  15. Its the classic BHVR-logic: we have something in the game that isnt fun or a problem. how do we fix it? make a perk.
    I totally agree with scott that its really weird that they made this into a perk on a licensed chapter instead of a game mechanic. I personally think something like this should be a game mechanic, like maybe if the killer is in a 15m radius of the hooked survivor for 3s straight then the timer stops until the killer leaves this radius and then the effect lingers for another 3s.
    But atleast we have somehting else than kinship help with camping.

  16. My BIG, BIG, BIIIIIIIG worry about this is SWFs.
    Think about it, 2 run Reassurance and 2 run Prove Thyself with Hyperfocus.
    3, maybe 4, gens get done by the time you get your first hook.
    What do you do now? Camp? Reassurance stops that.
    Tunnel? Off the Record + DS makes that painful.
    Change target? No time.
    Decent SWFs running a combination of Reassurance with Hyperfocus will be completely unbeatable.
    A big fix would be to make Hyperfocus not work with Detective's Hunch and toolboxes, and possibly have Reassurance reveal your aura to encourage the Killer to chase you away.

  17. Scott won't be double boon (COH and Exponential), tenacity w/ assurance be better? in theory the killer might just m1 you, u can just run to the boon and heal, and come back again. Same if the killer downs you. Crawl to the boon, get up with exponential and boom.

  18. Feel like the person who uses reassurance should have their aura revealed to the killer. As if the payment for giving your teammate time is that you've essentially become the bait for the killer. Also could then stop the constant use of the perk if that person was the one person running it


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