Red's Requested OBSESSION NEGLECT DEMOGOROGON Build! – Dead by Daylight

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This Demogorgon build is all about ignoring the obsession while gaining stacks from the other survivors to make us an unstoppable machine!

I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay rank 1 Demogorgon Gameplay!
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00:00 Build Breakdown
01:33 Demogorgon Gameplay


20 thoughts on “Red's Requested OBSESSION NEGLECT DEMOGOROGON Build! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Got another Request for you, its a dream of mine to have you play one of my builds!
    Myers: The Vanity Rabbit Dark Strike Myers
    Perks: Furtive Chase
    Monitor and abuse
    Dark Devotion
    and Knockout.
    Addons: Dead Rabbit, and Vanity Mirror.
    what this build esentially does is lower your terror radius by -33 while in chase while out of chase.. -41 lol no one is seeing you coming as long as you are in stage 2. I hope you make a vid can't wait to see you stomp the yard. also if no one is near that survivor when they go down? no one sees there aura then. but you know this. happy hunting!

  2. It would be one thing if you actually tunneled… but you literally just ran around and happened to keep running into her. You "chose" her one time and it was because she cut back right to you on accident.

  3. lmao at the Jane saying "clickbait vids"
    Red is a guy who delivers exactly what's on the title.
    Love the work, Red, and love seeing Survivors malding and throwing baseless accusations!

  4. It made me win and let loser angry, I think I am doing it right. It probably not the most fun way to play but it's good way to win, and when I win I feel fun. I play game the way I want not people told me how to play.

  5. I was thinking about running STBFL and play with your food on wraith. He can drop chase so fast by cloaking so you should have three stacks pretty quick with him as long as you can keep finding the obsession. Also running cloak and uncloak speeds to lose chases faster.

  6. Ah yes, I needed some salt this morning. Outstanding. I feel like a PSA needs to be had to explain the word tunnelling to survivors, but then there would be no salt so swings and roundabouts.

  7. Red's requested BASEMENT GUARDIAN BUBBA!

    Perks: Insidious, Mad Grit, Iron Grasp, Agitation
    Add-ons: Anything

    Playstyle: This is a very skillful playstyle that makes your game a lot easier. After you down a survivor you need to go straight to the basement, with your Iron Grasp and Agitation you have a higher chance of successfully hooking the survivor. If a survivor decides to body block that's where the Mad Grit kicks in, pauses the carried survivor's wiggle timer for a few seconds if you hit them with your basic attack while carrying a survivor. After you hook the carried survivor in the basement, hide, and stand still until Insidious procs.


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