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Want to punish those filthy gen rushers? How about making them a one shot down if they don’t let you regress the generator? This Pig build focuses on a gen beatdown style and using our stealth to get Dragon’s Grip value or punish the generator via Overcharge and Brine!
DBD Build of the Week is a build that we run for about 10 games sometime a bonus game or two to really test out a build and demonstrate it over more than just a single or two game! Some rules the games and build are pretty simple. 3k+ is a win and I do my best to avoid simple meta builds!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Pig Gameplay!
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#dbd #Wesker #DeadbyDaylight #redsgaminggears #intothefog
0:00 Build Breakdown
01:31 Game 1
10:07 Game 2
18:52 Game 3
32:38 Game 4
40:23 Game 5
46:26 Game 6
01:01:39 Game 7
01:10:56 Game 8
01:19:36 Game 9
01:25:14 Game 10
Hell yea just in time
Sigh, can we please reduce the excessive cool downs on both dragons grip and oppression its by far the perfect time to adjust these two perks to in fit with modern perks . no cool down should be higher than 30 seconds any perk that does makes a perk completely useless so let's fix that.
hey i suggested dragons grip pig on stream its cool to see it in action.
It's hour and half of fresh Pig build, this is amazing, thank you for this gift!
Already seeing less mft now. Little toxic clowns are on notice
You not wearing your red hat this time?
1:02:24 is that the other dbd YouTubeer greyletters you went against?
Widows peak so sharp a knife would be jealous
Loving the new format, it’s clean 💯
who's editing this games? so Neat man!
Love the editing
loving the intros . keep em coming
“Seems to be a Made For This Gamer” yeah, every game Red. Every. Game.
35:50 chatter: "Does brine apply to multiple genders?" lmao love it. yes call of brine is gender agnostic
ill never get over the amazing editing, especially when explaining the builds and perks. much better than how people just slow pan across the screen
I love running lethal pursuer on Pig for literally nothing but the satisfying and fun feeling of being undetectable for the first tiny bit of the match, going right to a survivor on gen, and then picking them up within seconds of the game starting
As someone who mained the pig for a year. I'd have recognized that tile setup and just given up. You really show how it's not a balance problem. It's a mindset problem. Amazing stuff
30 seconds damn I would say 45 to 50 seconds max
Great editing! Man i want to love dragons grip so much, but its sooo hard to get value. It needs a little something more
Awe! I watch Greyletters! I saw his name and was like “no way!” Haha
Red's Hair?!?!
I only played Pig about six times ever since I got the game. I gave this build a try and I am not on a six wins streak. This build is actually super strong. Could you please do another one with face the darkness and thrill of the hunt?
I’m so happy made for this is going to die in a couple weeks
Intro editing has been pretty solid, Mr. Gears!
That first game was survivors completely being carried by RNG.
Talks about it being a survivor sided map… Then proceeds to do so well that it becomes the fastest game of the ten.
"i had to play this alot differently" = i had to camp
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