Reloading is now OPTIONAL as Huntress! | Dead by Daylight

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With the recent buff to Huntress carrying capacity (+2 extra hatchets), you can now realistically go entire matches without ever having to reload! Why did an already pretty strong Killer get such a significant buff?

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Edited by @Poggy & thumbnail render by @Ev3ntic!


24 thoughts on “Reloading is now OPTIONAL as Huntress! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I felt like huntress was one of the most balanced killers in the game. I never felt bad when I lost against them, they could be extremely fun to play as and against. I dont think the extra hatchets is an insane change though. Newer players need them and more experienced players go for crazy shots so overall I don't feel like its going to shake it up too much. Completely unnecessary but far from their most problematic characters that need reworks. I'd love to see a Freddy or myers change before a huntress nerf.

  2. Like Otz said multiple times, lockers is the issue, not ammo count. I can't tell you how many times as Survivor or Dredge or Huntress where I just need a locker nearby, and there simply aren't any on that half of the map (except completely out of the way). It feels so bad to waste 30s back and forth to just use a locker, and placing more (in more reasonable spots) is the best solution to that.

  3. Hey Otz! Been watching your content for a while and you're a big reason that me and my fiancée are getting into the game! Your content is always top notch and you make the game a lot more approachable for us! 😊

  4. I also think it's a bit out of place to give Huntress that buff. I've always seen her as the most balanced killer overall, there's almost nothing to complain about or change except for her Iri Head add-on.

    And yes they should optimize locker placement both for killers and survivors, IMO maps should not be as random as they are, they should have thoughtful variations made in a balanced way with hooks, lockers and gens all in purposefully placed spaces.

    Hooks being random is quite a stupid idea, if they made things in a thoughtful way there would be no comlaining of "oh there's no hooks here" or "there's too many hooks here"

  5. I feel like this buff could have been fine if they just took away her extra hatchet add ons. As an avid huntress player, having extra hatchets base kit gives a feeling of flexibility in choosing other add-ons. (I understand she didn’t need extra hatchets before the buff, but they always felt comfy)

  6. Watching this I thought to myself: if they would add the downside of losing 1 hatchet per reload (like 1st reload = 9, 2nd = 8 ratchets, etc.) I wouldn't mind this buff all too much, but you are right. This buff is insane, considering Huntress is already oppressive af

  7. Something tells me that the stats were being skewed by all of the players who SOLELY go for long range hatchets or play her just to have fun with her hatchets and not really care about the 4k, often resulting in multi survivor escapes. Huntress is a really strange killer when thinking about stats. I'm fairly sure that there's a lot of data about missed hatchets and reloads that they looked at but never stopped to wonder the WHY there are so many. Yet another situation where BHVR blindly looks at data without thinking about the reasoning behind it and whether there is a need for changes or not.

  8. It baffles me so much that they buffed Huntress, who is arguably the best ranged killer, yet Dredge and Trickster are left with nothing and suffer from poor locker spawns. She is the one "locker oriented" killer that did NOT need any buffs.


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