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Inner Focus, the least used survivor perk in Dead By Daylight is getting a buff in the next patch by adding 5 seconds to the aura reading ability and removing the distance requirement but will it be enough when bond and empathy are so much better for the job?
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I get it all the time in chaos shuffle
I think its a fire little perk. Maybe niche but the buff does add a little value so maybe it'll be fun to use
I guess somebody still pick this perk only because of adpet, this is where those 0.37% is from (and i forgot about chaos shuffle)
If you can see the survivor when they go down, I don’t get the point in seeing the killer 😂
it’s the least used perk bc 1. no one wants to waste blood points on haddie. 2. you can hear and see where your team mates go down already. 3. kindred is a better aura reading perk for seeing the killer amd alerting your allies.
I’ve used it for a long time anytime I run an aura reading build, the one I think Demi made a while back.
Its good for sabo builds like back round playe vigil and sobotague
I want this now. I want a build that allows me to see the killer at all times
The first time I used her I actually got value out of this perk. My friend was being run down during EGC against a Dredge during nightfall and I could see his scratch marks on the wall letting me tank a hit getting us both out!
See both your own and teammates, no range necessary, and 10 seconds of aura
Would that fix it or make it powerful
idk for background player build that might actually be nice
And yet they still wont nerf the nurse