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Should BHVR revert Wraith’s recent unlocking nerf? Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Wraith in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
Twitch Channel
#DBD #intothefog
Nice vids man! This kind of videos you do gives me an idea and more effective way of playing the game with the right Addons and Loadouts :)) I hope you notice this
Yo you had RyGuy in your lobby.
I like how everyone was complaining about Wraith’s hit-and-run playstyle being boring to go against—which, if you ask me, is completely reasonable; hit-and-run Wraith is a snoozefest because there’s literally no chasing—and what does BHVR do? Nerf the ever-living shit out of his antiloop, thus ENCOURAGING you to play hit-and-run even more.
Flawless logic, guys. 10/10.
1:40 rip god pallet
I've been having a bad week in dbd, and I'm kinda glad that even really good players like you can have rough matches. Thanks for uploading this
i did it i inspired a tat title i will die satisfied