REVERT WRAITH'S NERF? | Dead by Daylight (The Wraith Gameplay Commentary)

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Should BHVR revert Wraith’s recent unlocking nerf? Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Wraith in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
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7 thoughts on “REVERT WRAITH'S NERF? | Dead by Daylight (The Wraith Gameplay Commentary)”

  1. Nice vids man! This kind of videos you do gives me an idea and more effective way of playing the game with the right Addons and Loadouts :)) I hope you notice this

  2. I like how everyone was complaining about Wraith’s hit-and-run playstyle being boring to go against—which, if you ask me, is completely reasonable; hit-and-run Wraith is a snoozefest because there’s literally no chasing—and what does BHVR do? Nerf the ever-living shit out of his antiloop, thus ENCOURAGING you to play hit-and-run even more.

    Flawless logic, guys. 10/10.


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