Reviewing "How to Fix Dead by Daylight" by TricksterShadow

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24 thoughts on “Reviewing "How to Fix Dead by Daylight" by TricksterShadow”

  1. @Scott Jund at 14:30 u said that 25000 BP to pip up would be too much, but considering the extra BP that survivors gain from the actions of their teammates while in chase to equal out towards the killer BP gain, 25000 becomes a reasonable number to pip, as for now the pipping system rewards rather time effort than actual skill or game knowledge. what do u think?

  2. My solution to camping/tunneling is pretty simple:

    If a killer spends more than 30 seconds within 24 meters of a hook, the survivor is teleported to another hook. After getting teleported, a survivor's hook timer is frozen for 15 seconds (to prevent exploiting and forcing survivors to die by teleporting them repeatedly). It's just a band-aid, but a band-aid is better than an open wound.

  3. In regards to survivor spawns I would just suggest that at the start of the match 2 adjacent tiles (at most) are selected in which survivors can possibly spawn. That way not everyone necessarily spawns on each other's dicks but they're not across the entire map either. If a big tile, like preschool, is selected that will be the only tile in which survivors spawn.

  4. I think the current boycott is a good idea. Basically not buying anithing from behaviour 3 months. If enough people join the devs will have to pay atention and start fixing the game. Right now they only care about new skins because that's what gives them money. They don't care about the state of the game.

  5. the option to choose what addons u want is a good thing imo the problem actually stems from those specific addons being too strong for the rarity they are, changing those to make them more relevant rarity or less overpowering would fix it. addons like billy engravings change his power in such a perfect way, making addons light blight speed addons reduce his slam duration or making alchemist ring an ultra rare would totaly fix them

  6. Devs will read this, and ignore every single thing on purpose regardless if they agree or not simply because it was not their idea and they know better what the game needs

  7. Behavior is just depressing to watch

    I like the grind solution, it would also make slamming gens not as good as getting chased making survivors want to get chased, making the killer feel like 2 gens pop in one chase and survivors do the actual fun part of the game and have less people on gens. It would fix a lot imo.

  8. Imo prestiging should provide something other than reducing the grind, of unlocking perks, because even if perks appear at higher levels you've still sacrificed all your previous perks and add-ons to just get them back again, so that change to prestige would absolutely have to come with the option to increase the frequency of chosen add ons or offerings showing up in the bloodweb, facilitating preferred ways of playing a character. Otherwise prestiging would just reduce a grind that you have given yourself that only detriments you, no matter how you look at it.

  9. 17:40 or thereabouts: I disagree with this writer's motivation in including the strawman counterargument. Games should not be encouraging toxic environments in general, and there seems to be no concern as to the possible effects this change might have on player toxicity. Yes, all competitive games will have toxic players in them, but I would argue that it is the developers' responsibility to create systems that either alleviate the toxicity or at least don't encourage it.

  10. DBD's biggest problem is that there is a progression system at all when in reality it's a really casual game? Like any game where the skill ceiling is typically very low the last thing you want to do is standardize long-term player investment and instead encourage a regular playerbase rotation, where players can safely and easily hit progression caps, feel accomplished, 'run out of the things to do', and then move on with their lives and play other games.

    Unfortunately what BHVR has done is create a system that encourages players to play for….hundreds of hours. This is not a hundreds of hours game. There really SHOULDN'T be career DBD players, but BHVR has encouraged the development of a community for a game that legitimately cannot support this level of metacommentary and discussion. You 'getting bored of' DBD should never run into you still having things to do in DBD.

  11. I have no clue why they don’t do the same daily quest system as they have on mobile. Mobile gives over half a dozen small challenges every day for shards, bp, and like 5-10 auric cells and also gives longer weekly quests that give even more currency.

  12. There is no excuse for not allowing players to enter a map alone as killer or survivor. Learning the maps, tiles, distances, spawn locations is such a big part of the game and thats hard to do when you are learning and struggling.


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