The Best Dredge Build Makes Survivors SALTY! | Dead by Daylight

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#DBD #dbdkiller

0:00 – Intro
0:14 – The Build!
0:55 – Cowshed
8:29 – Garden of Joy


23 thoughts on “The Best Dredge Build Makes Survivors SALTY! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. That Kate isn’t real. There’s no way that was real someone payed her to type that😭

    Regardless you’ll probably be happy to hear that apparently maps like cowshed are gonna get reworked during the next chapter

  2. Had same thing happen to me but it wasnt for 'staring' at them it was for 'toying' with them. I was chasing someone as pyramid head and i stopped right when i was about to hit them…why?

    Cause my controller died randomly and i got new batteries popped them in and downed them at a gen that i randomly guess they would be at (cause they kept going to that gen) and end game they said i was toxic for purposely 'toying with them' by dropping chase lol

    ggwp was fun watching your dredge games

  3. My go to build for Dredge: MalThinker skull and Broken Doll. Perks: Save the Best For Last, Jolt, A Nurse's Calling, and Discordance. You're going to lose gens early on due to having no early game slow down but the point of this build is to go all in on Nightfall. Your goal is to injure as many survivors as possible to build Nightfall up fast, only commit to downs if they're easy and free. You use Nurse's Calling to interrupt any healing and Discordance to pressure multiple survivors. Once Nightfall starts you go ham wild. Utilize rapid teleports and your STBL stacks to rapidly chain downs. Don't bother hooking you're first down, slug them and immediately teleport to hunt down more survivors. You want to create as much pressure as humanly possible and not let off on the gas. Nurse's Calling and Discordance can help you further in this respect since if they do decide to heal or double up on gens you'll know exactly where they are. This is especially useful if they decide to try and go heal the slugged survivor you left at the start. Ultimately the build lives and dies at how well you utilize Nightfall. It is one that has served me well over the past year and I have not lost a match on Dredge since I started using it.
    Still I think Grey's build is definitely great and easier to use. Might give it a try myself just to change things up a little.

  4. Personally the best build I’ve found on the dredge is Devour hope, bbq and chili, ruin and pentimento. I’ve yet to lose a game with it. I do the iridescent add on to start the trial at night and the purple add on for exposed status at the last 12 seconds of night


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