Reviewing one of many Legion rework ideas | Dead by Daylight

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The day of reckoning has came. I was asked to look at a fan created Legion rework idea on my Twitch livestream. Here is the start of a series that is sure to continue. I am reviewing one of many Legion rework ideas in Dead by Daylight. It’s important for me to mention that I do not condone the harassment of any individual. What’s said in this video is of my opinion and is derived from my experience as a player. With that said, I hope you enjoy.
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21 thoughts on “Reviewing one of many Legion rework ideas | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Give legion 4.8 m/s base speed. Hes supposed to be a speedy killer afterall. It would also increase his lunge range which would result in fun Coup de Grace plays.
    Im not quite sure if this would be too op though. But heck its a simple change, could be tested for a month on PTB and if it sucks… whatever.

  2. Tat, you aren't seeing the bigger picture. Take this rework and Territorial Imperative.

    1. Hook survivor in basement.
    2. Tag basement locker.
    3. Run away lol they're gonna be so surprised!
    4. Wait for TI to proc.
    5. Oh fuck I forgot to tag another locker.
    6. Spend two seconds tagging the closest locker.
    7. Fuck fuck fuck I'm running out of time, tag faster!
    8a. They are gone by the time you teleport and you end up just frenzying after them. Or…
    8b. They remove your tag in the basement before they unhook, and you end up running back and frenzying after them.

    Come on Tat, you should have seen how viable this is.

  3. well im going to suggest a rework i thought up on the fly any criticism would be apriciated when the legion is using feral frenzy every time he hits a survivor he gets slightly faster and gets 1 token every time he aplies the deep wound status afect once he has 4 tokens legion can hold his power button to activate feral massacre his frenzy animation changes now when he atacks the legion grabs his knife with both hands and stabs it into the survivors back insta downing the survivor knocking him and the legion down to the ground where he grabs the knife from the survivors back and stands up (If the animation can't be played the legion will instead preform a cleaning animation where he paints a smile on his mask) once the legion uses it his tokens are consumed and has to get them again before being able to activate feral massacre

  4. Hola, no tengo la necesidad de presentarme, pues esto es una sección de comentarios de una plataforma pública.
    Así que directamente dare mi sugerencia respecto al rework tan deseado pero no complacido de la habilidad de mi killer favorito del juego. (la legion)
    Yo ponpondria que el frenezy salvaje tuviese una duración ligeramente más duradera y que la velocidad del poder fuese mayor como por ejemplo a 7,5 m/s. (Actualmente tiene la rapidez de movimiento de 5,2 m/s).
    También en cuanto los addons agregar algunos de menor a mayor categoría que aumenten la velocidad del frenezy.

  5. Well using the trailer as a starting point for a rework kinda makes sense since Legion was teased as multiple killers, showed being a direct stealth killer, and then actually just got better shoes than survivors.

    AND, it makes since wanting to rework Legion since their power isn't that fun in the way of interactivness. Every killer walks and stabs but Legion just gets to run and stab.

    Not to mention, its not like any of this matters. The devs aren't going to see your specific rework and actually do something with it…

  6. Legion should be how he actually is in the trailer and be able to blend in with survivors. Maybe he could be undetectible when not in FF but also cannot see scratch marks. When in FF he can see scratch marks now.

  7. If he could just teleport to lockers… I mean.. that's just a shittier demogorgon.. least he can put portals wherever he wants. Legion would have to go to specific lockers. Lol wtf. Not to mention.. if I did see a locker tagged with legions mark.. I'm definitely NOT going in there.

  8. If we were to go off this idea of tagging a locker, then we should tap into how Legion is supposed to be a group of killers and have tagging a locker summon a second member of the Legion (controlled by AI) to aid the player while they chase in the 1v1. Destroying this second Legion could be as easy as wiping off the paint from their locker, but it would give survivors a secondary objective and make Legion just a bit better because he's got split pressure.

  9. legion rework idea so you know that legion has this power right so lets just add a new power that has nothing to do with their current power and won't improve shit but will be kinda funny ngl

  10. Legion needs a change to help in the 1v1, if a feral frenzy doesn't detect anyone with killer instinct after a hit, cancelling it has a reduced fatigue and gain a 3% haste for 5 seconds, idk something off the top of my head


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