Roadmap for 2024 has me very confused | Dead by Daylight

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The developers recently shared with us a roadmap of incoming changes to DBD and I’m a little bit concerned, especially about what ISN’T mentioned in this roadmap.

00:00 DBD 2024 Roadmap
00:35 Quality of Life Changes
05:25 Perk Changes
13:06 Killer Changes
22:08 Why I’m worried…

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29 thoughts on “Roadmap for 2024 has me very confused | Dead by Daylight”

  1. The thing I would comment for doctor is that his power is horrible to play against with any form of visual disability. The moving skill check and changing the direction it moves is just impossible depending on the circumstances. But other than that not a clue what could be changed about him. I'd like to see iri head huntress go the way of the dodo

  2. sadako doesnt deserve a nerf – she's so easy to play around for folks with even the smallest amount of brain cells. its people who STILL have no clue how to mitigate her power who inflate her kill rate. beyond a skill issue. if you die to sadako power you're simply awful

  3. As a Myers enjoyer, i have not used his strongest perk exept for archive or steam succes…
    But it's definitely annoying/sad that they wont change him…il gonnz start using them more freely i suppose.

    Myers need some love from the dev…

  4. so take this with a grain of salt but this is me just spit balling here. first collum only two killers get some changes and blight gets add on adjustments. the fact they specifically targeted the addons for blight here tells me that every other killer is getting base kit adjustments. not just their addons being touched if at all. next look at the number of killers being changed in each section. first section 3 are altered then a bunch in the second then just one. this tells me that their is a strong possibility that the killers on the outside collum are going to see heavy reworks to their kits. while everyone in the middle will be minor quality of life changes. at least thats what im thinking.

  5. As a Sadako main, I'm not surprised she's being looked at. I was fully supportive of the new changes she received earlier this year as they made her much more enjoyable to play. I understand that picking up tapes stops her power, which is nice, but in my experience, the general player base doesn't do this often, leading to many kills for me.

    I just hope that when they review her, they maintain her fun factor as a Killer and don't weaken her power too much. I can see them increasing the time it takes to teleport between TVs or perhaps reducing the reward for each teleport to 1/2 a stack instead of 3/4. However, altering both aspects too drastically might negatively impact her gameplay, in my opinion. She struggles in chases and has to eat through pallets/windows, so I hope they consider her shortcomings in these areas as a Killer.

    That's just my perspective on the matter. Despite any changes, Sadako remains my all-time favorite killer, and I'll continue to play her. I'm just hopeful for the best outcome.

  6. For Save the Best for Last they could add the Remember Me effect where it only activates of LOSING A HEALTH STATE not just hitting a Survivor it cancels hitting the recently unhooked survivor and I would take a guess that they might make it so that killer powers cause the loss of stacks as well when hitting obsession

  7. That 3 gen solution is stupid as fuck. Its the survivor's fault they didnt do one out of the 3 close gens. Why do you think everybody knocks out the main building first?It gets rid of the middle gen. Now they're taking away our freedom to strategize. Anything that seems to kinda work they ruin. We wont have anything left soon. They've literally given the survivors everything in the world. They are constantly being babied.

  8. When was the last time you thought about Jane perks, exactly, maybe head on, but soladarity who uses solidarity, and poised, just use parental lucky break, head on one of the worst exhaustion perks, she needs some perk buffs

  9. Still no changes for myers huh 🤦🏽‍♂️ that’s ridiculous just going to leave him to rot, who would want to play myers in his current state over stealth killers like ghost face, the onyro, pig, and chucky ridiculous bro has needed a change for yearsss now

  10. If I were the developers, I would buff the killers as they were before. For example, gunslinger, the aiming speed which is equal to a teenager on cannabis who had previously filled up with a liter of beer and gradually releases it to its normal state. Or maybe it would be better to buff the trapper so that his traps can no longer be cleared!? A?! Well, yes, of course, how could I forget. This is a game designed only for survivors, the developers constantly wipe away snot and lick tears from the faces of people playing as survivors with their tongues. Very disappointed with this patch.

  11. DBD developers, hire Otz already. He will be your creative director, and will tell you what the new killers should be like in the new setting and what needs to be done with the old ones + rebalancing the killers and survivors. And honestly, developers, other than running around windows and pallets, you have nothing in the game and haven’t had anything since 2016.


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