Rough start? Don't give up! | Dead by Daylight

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These three games provide a compelling argument as to why you should never give up until the game is over. Survivors can always find a way to ruin their lead and give you a chance to win. 😂

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


24 thoughts on “Rough start? Don't give up! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I had a match earlier as Wraith. I had one hook for the first 3 gens because they were really good survivors. Then I started actually getting hooks, they only got one more gen done and there were two left. Then they used a key and got out so it didn't matter anyways.

  2. Hey Otz just wanted to tell you that i got into Dead by Daylight again because of you, the past 2 days i've probably watched 20 Videos of you, i'll look forward to catch your streams! <3

  3. giving up most of the time just isnt worth it for example:
    as killer i had a blight game yesterday on pale rose (swamp) which went really poorly, i got 1 hit while 3 gens popped so i decided to go for a 3gen containing shack and with basement in shack and ended up getting a 4k because of it.
    as survivor i played with 1 friend vs huntress on hawkins and we got 2gens done while both of our teammates dc'd. i told my friend to not give up and we both ended up getting out due to him having a really strong chase and me pushing out the gens. he got hooked at the end i opened an exit gate got the unhook we got out because of sheer determination 2dead hards and a bt


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