RPD Reworks are The Game 2.0 – Dead by Daylight

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In this video we’ll be analyzing what made the original DBD RPD fail and whether or not the reworks were able to actually fix the problems or if BHVR has just made everything worse.

Starring Chris Redfield, Rebecca Chambers, Ada Wong, Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Albert Wesker, and Nemesis. Filmed on location in the Raccoon City Police Department.

#dbd #forgemode #epicfail

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48 thoughts on “RPD Reworks are The Game 2.0 – Dead by Daylight”

  1. The sad part is, bhvr has a loyal twitch community they could use to test, for free, new maps before launch. Bhvr would get feedback on how to better balance tiles & map size. But they just let people who don't play the game design maps it seems.

  2. I agree. BHVR hasn't made a good map for DbD in over 2 years.
    I miss Hawkins. It was a perfect example of an indoor map down well. It was the right size with the right amount of pallets and windows as well as had the best 2 story loops DbD has ever seen. It wasn't hard to navigate and had some nice long hallways that weren't empty like Midwich's.
    I am convinced that since that map was made BHVR either lost their good map designers to other companies or moved them to other projects and then DbD started getting maps that look good and they thought that was good enough. Dead by Daylight would be a more enjoyable game if RPD, Garden of Joy, New Haddonfield and Eyrie of Crow didn't exist.

  3. The issue is that BHVR implemented a map that, by design in Resident Evil 3, is supposed to be a confusing maze. It works for Resident Evil atmosphere wise, but in DBD where there’s no linear plot to hold your hand through this maze, it’s a nightmare to transverse…

  4. I absolutely agree with 1:22

    I’m on console so I haven’t actually played new RPD but it looks so confusing to me when I was watching gameplay of the PTB.

    Even though I am mostly familiar with pre-PTB RPD, it still confuses me every now and then. Seeing these new changes to RPD is going to confuse me even more.

  5. I like the original rpd map, it was confusing at first but picked it up after not too long. I like the reworks as well though, map variation is always good, hall widening, easier navigation etc. Was hoping for more distinct variation I guess, like adding in the areas you mentioned like car park/cells/morgue etc for different parts, but that’s possibly asking too much, either way I’m happy with the changes.

  6. They just made 1 map i try to get the game over with as soons as possible without caring who wins or loses into 2.
    Great, guess I'll just use more map offerings a week or 2 after RE2 chapter then play a fighting game to get good at a game that rewards learning the mechanics and can use those fundamentals in other fighting games.

  7. RPD has its fair share of problems, but if you are struggling to navigate a map over a year old, I’m sorry I’m the bearer of bad news, but you are fucking stupid. The only acceptable excuses for not knowing the map are if you don’t play very often, or if you started playing recently. That being said, I’m very happy that it’s getting a rework because some of those rooms could be problems if the killer decides to camp

  8. I kinda hate that you brought up the strength of the outdoor gens without mentioning the one that spawns in the room next to the library on the East wing variant. And it's to me what makes East wing just as bad as West wing.

    There's one entrance and one extra exit (the dropdown) which makes it unsafe unless you have BL yeah. But getting to it as a killer (or even a suvivor) requires you to go out of the way up the main stairs, through the library to get to it. Since you can only possible come from that one direction it makes paying attention to when the killer is coming easy anyway. And if you realise the killer is coming early enough you can make it to the library which often has two solid pallets.

    In effect they either need to remove this gen since getting to it is as much if not more of a time waste than the one on dead dog (at least you can see the survivors so you know you're getting value checking it on that map) or add some stairs leading up to it (maybe just like a construction scaffold just outside of the entrance with a hole into that platform to keep from making it look too unlike the OG)

  9. It didn't look like she was lost in that first clip, it just looked like she wasn't sure whether to go for the save right away or not. That's the main issue with many survivors lately, they take their sweet ass time to decide to go for saves and it just ends up throwing the entire match

  10. Unironically, RPD is my favorite map in the entire game as both survivor and killer. once you learn the mapping and pathing is is very difficult for a survivor to truly lose you or a killer to catch you (unless of course they know the maps pathing as well). I love the totem and gen spawns which is something I almost never enjoy. In general playing the map well on either side feels extreme rewarding to me. Plus I love mazes.

  11. The top argument against RPD is that they just ripped it 90% from a game that is completly different from dbd. They're two different type of games, so how tf is this even supposed to work. The open Racoon city streets would've been a much better choice. Or the RE 7 swamps with the greenhouse being the main building. It could also have Zoes Van and the entrance to the salt mines as smaller builings and landmarks around the area. There should also be a second variant with the guest house being the main building instead. If you want to go even further… SOME SMALLER parts of the main house or old house could be used aswell. It's the entities realm, maps are created from the memories of the people within and they're never accurate. This is so easy how can bhvr fuck it up time and time again?

  12. people still talking about Balanced DBD In 2022 lol. RPD is fine it's actually a fun map to play in every now and then, who wants every map to have a shack and bunch of jungle gyms and T L walls. it's boring

  13. RPD is my favourite map since i like to play stealth killers. There are at least 4 gens where you can GUARANTEE yourself a grab. Also the middle of the map is good for stalking ppl as ghostface. I didn't like new variations cuz of new zones which are too open. And cuz of those 2 new pallents in middle. Well, pretty much the same as author said.

  14. I played the re2 remake so many times, so the lay out wasn’t a problem for me, the problem is it seems like the pallets are abundant, and at the same damn time lackluster, it seems like loops lead nowhere as survivor, and everywhere as killer, it’s shite

  15. The only thing that I hate about this map is that it is getting split… I had no problems with RPD. Only the “bloat” spots were what I hoped would get changed… but I saw people get saved all the time

  16. I already knew when they said they will rework RPD, that they will somehow fuck this up. Its still BHVR we are talking about. They are NOT playing their own game even if they do say it sometimes. Or they do and they just dont give a shit…I dont know wich is worse.

  17. There was nothing wrong with the original map, just like there was nothing wrong with the original Haddonfield, the problem was there was only 1 version, the same issue with the game and midwich, there is only one version and no variance.

  18. Maps/realms like Auto Haven, McMillan, Dead Dawg, Lery's, Swamp, and Crotus Prenn are rather balanced or tilted to one side without being overly so. BHVR could learn a lot from what they did right on those because what they're doing now doesn't seem to be working all too well.

  19. TBH I don't see why survivors would have a problem with RPD? I know when a gen spawns in certain locations where to look for the others. Additionally, if gens spawn in different locations than usual I know where to look for the rest it is not too hard? For killers I can see the complaint but plenty of them do just fine. I think people just like to complain.

  20. First time playing on the new maps, I was stunned with how much of the map was still accessible. I could still access half of the west wing on the east wing map and Vice versa. And with the new outdoor area, it just makes the effective square footage the same as before. And the fact that they added TWO PARALLEL PALLETS ON TBE STAIRS AND THOSE LOOPS IN THE LIBRARY PLUS THAT DAMN HOLE IN THE GROUND… Really proves the fact that they did NOTHING to improve the map, and just wanted to make a ceremonial change to make people quit bitching about their favorite map. I hate to be this negative about the dev team, Bc at the end of the day they are just regular people and not some malicious bad-faith actors, but holy shit. The new survivors are just forgettable, the only saving grace is how fucking GOOD Wesker is as a killer. Like they really knocked it pit of the park with Wesker, so I’m probably gonna just buy the auric cells to get Wesker. They deserve my money on that front. But yea, still gonna dc if I get RCPD as killer, and be bored to death as survivor.

  21. One way to learn this map is to remember that the staircase on the left next to the main lobby takes you to the other exit gate. Honestly when you learn that the rest of the map is kinda easy to understand.


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