Salty Loses to my "Skill-less" Meyers – Dead by Daylight

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Salty is starting to become the norm in dead by daylight. Its possibly even worse since the update. Anyway there’s some irony on display here
#dbd #dbdclips


18 thoughts on “Salty Loses to my "Skill-less" Meyers – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Another classic rant from an angry player that blames the killer for his loss. And to top it off, this person is mad at the killer only job is to prevent the survivors to escape the entity

  2. Of course it's the shadowstep Mikaela. I have been running a lot of shadowstep to escape the rise in aura reading killers along with disappearing with sprint burst but I know there's a time and a place to put em down.
    This person is just using it to crutch for easy stealthing. Complete waste of time booning in a patrol area. No wonder they can't loop.

  3. His last words made no sense at all.. I can not figure it out.. I know English is not my first language but.. Wow that was rough for me to read and try to figure out what he was trying to say..

  4. Crying so hard cuz they lost… saying killer use this use that, bitch I bought my own game I play like I want and also you use perks too what about that? Hypocrits >:P

  5. My personal favorite is when it’s been an intense back and forth (as Myers, Clown, Wraith, any M1 killer really) and it’s impossible to tell if they’ll all escape until one does something so stupid it snowballs into a 4K. Then they drop the “meh boring killer, boring game”. Comedy gold


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