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Play smarter not harder, I took the oppertunity to pressure a hook and 3 gens on a pretty hard map if you play on the wrong side of the map! however, I didn’t hard facecamp etc, but for sure made it hard to save. I made a few mistakes in this one, being tired and all. Pop should have been used more.
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More about Dead By Daylight:
A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.
Dude till they don't nerf dh , gen rushing , boons and more . I recommend camping or tunneling
i love the salt xD
6th comment! Just recently found your channel thru reccomendations. I Love the content you post! Keep it up!
She's not wrong. You made the active choice to camp her while there were still 4 gens up. You robbed her of the ability to play the game. But okay! "Salty" survivors is how you make your content! Also, you spelled opportunity wrong.
Konnor remains undefeated Jay, how will you sleep at night?
Hey Jay, I want to take this moment to say I appreciate the content you provide for both youtube & twitch. It's really troubling that both sides of this game have come to a point of back and fourth arguing when it's literally a game. I get people don't like camping, tunneling & slugging however with the increase of survivors becoming better day by day. It's honestly a very viable strategy that most people see as "bad" because it's not how they want the killer to play. Same could be said for killers who complain about perks, offerings, items & body blocking from survivors but as mentioned. It's a viable strategy upon their part. Crazy that dbd has formed into a playground for kids to argue but that's the way it goes for now. Ignore all the negative comments you see and keep up the good work <3
I had a guy call me a clown because I let someone get hatch since they ran red herring. They sent me a circus theme song clip and everything, the salt gets more creative every day, I tell ya
Well played match Jay, very effective control on the 3 gen and match overall, was awesome being able to catch stream earlier.
How to say you’re a survivior main without saying you’re a survivor main: get mad at the killer camping a hooked survivor they put smack in the middle of a 3 gen they’re trying to set up & protect.
Every Killer really needs to get this mentality:
"Camping people ruins their game"
"Camping gens also ruins my game"
P.S. The hatch is called the pity door after you've decimated their team.
I always lean in when the hit is a real butthole clencher
Fun match to watch and funny end game chat. DBD has some veritable salt mines for content and I’m here for it haha. You played that match really well. Your biggest mistake was not downing the Kate as she fell from the gallows, and I so wish you had been able to because of how she spoke in end game chat. Guarding Laurie along with the 4 gen was the smart play. It’s not your fault that’s where she went down at, and it’s not your fault that the Entity gave you such a good 4 gen at the start.
Keep ‘em comin:)
This entitled "you took MY FUN away" mentality just boggles my mind.
Those gens were flying. If you hadn't killed a Survivor quickly, you wouldn't have created any pressure whatsoever.
A bit of salt is understandable but it's just a game, that post-game chat hostility is ridiculous.
its easier to blame killer for camping rather than blame each other for lack of understanding how to deal with camping , and camping is a very strong tactic and most laugh at me but it take some skill to do it right
Jay just give up. They have more points than you AND got hatch. :D……..
End game chat interaction is the most pointless thing. Especially knowing how shit the whole dbd "community" is, sure it makes up some content for content creators but overall it's not even close to be worth the time.
When Jay plays bubba and I see “camping” in the title I know its gonna be a good video
Bruh that Kate thumbnail is cursed.. wtf.
I'll never understand how people can become that Salty and mad during a game XD
It's all about fun..
Keep the great content coming jay
Camping is valid strategy, idk why survivors cry about it? Just let camped person die and do gens its easy
I always reply with GG well played no matter what the outcome is
"OH ITS YOU" as if he didn't see your name the whole time you guys were chatting
. When I get camped by a killer I just look at it that the killer considers me enough of a threat that they have to get rid of me. Que takes less than 2 minutes and matches are over within 10 minutes, people really cry hard about the getting camped shit. People need to learn that this is a PvP game and if you want people to play by imaginary rules then go play kill with friends in a custom game.
Can I hide for 5 gens then get hatch and think I'm better?!
when he realized it was jay i thought he was gonna fold and simp just because its a ttv… so glad he didnt

Wahhhh you didn't play the game the way I wanted you too you're trash- Every Entitled Survivor main
All this dude does is bait survivors into getting angry by playing like a jackass and then making a video about it lol
That person's end game chat blathering is a classic sign of a bruised ego…and I'd like someone to ask these idiots that are so worried about killers ruining people's fun, when they're running around doing their damnedest to either annoy the killer, or just keep him from being successful with kills or hooks, do they EVER ONCE think about whether or not they may be ruining the killer's fun? I seriously doubt it, nor should they, but I'm afraid that goes both ways. Play how you play, and fuck other people's approval.
I've never get frustrated with killer (except subtle cheater or cheater in general) mostly survivor with survivor.
“Thanks for remembering me, but I have no idea who you are.”
"you raged at me because of my loops" i've never seen jay rage at anything. gentle giant with an even gentler hairline
it amazes me survivors consider hatch a W and rub it in your face like that like they did something
Gens flying and they play to their easy strengths by doing gens asap and then you do a viable strat to actually have a chance and they get upset what a bunch of idiots survivors can be lol
People need to just take the L and move on
Talk about how sick he is at exploiting loops. But gets made when you take advantage of gen placement.
Half these types of survivors will camp as killer in a heart beat when the shoe is on the other foot.
Look I got outplayed I got more BP than you.
I’ve mentioned this to Jay before, he knows me as “Tony the traveler” that this game is set up for 1 to escape through hatch.
No matter how well you play, the odds of that happening will pan out.
Sure we get less points as killer if someone is 1 hooked but a kill is a kill in the end.