Salty Survivor main belittles my win Dead by Daylight

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Another angry survivor main, so many of these people play this game.

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #delusional #toxic #karma #salty

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22 thoughts on “Salty Survivor main belittles my win Dead by Daylight”

  1. so basically what i get from watching this guy is he tunnels and camps and instead it being a 4v1 it’s always a 3v1 with him
    Killer mains☕️

  2. Why you tunnel all the time now? :/ I missed the old gameplay where you don't tunnel and camp. You should check out youtuber dbd player killer main redsgaminggears, Dead, Dowsey, rapidmain, spooknjukes. Tunnel and camping isn't necessary, not all the time at least. Now I kind of skip all your video just to see the toxic chat at the end, because camping and tunneling game is not exciting to watch.

  3. And thats why dbd is no fun anymore. Killers tryharding like there no tomorrow, camping and tunneling every time. I had several games in a row where i get tunelled and i actually started crying because of it. Its just feels so bad to be that one person every time with no reasons. Im not tryharding, not using some amazing perks, not being toxic at all, but still its me who dying first. I always trying to help other not to be tunelled even. When i play killers i also playing fair, because its only toxic players who deserves to be tunneled and camped.

  4. It's okay to belittle this win, it was awful. Just tunnel Nancy off of every hook, she didn't have any chance to even play. The survivors are partly responsible for farming her like this, but this type of gameplay has 0 skill.

  5. People complaining about tunneling are losers. Tunneling is literally some made up bs that killer players supposedly have to follow. It's the equivalent of a primary school aged child making up rules for a game on the playground as they go along for the sole purpose of them winning. Grow up.

  6. I don't get why people get so salty over a game like I've been getting so much salt lately too and it's like mate do you really care so much about this game like did you marry it or something

  7. i fckn love entitle survivors still crying about camping, u guys still don´t understand we don´t play by ur imaginary rule book u crying lil babies xD no one cares about killer fun but god forbid if killer play to win….cry me a river noob toxic survivors.


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